Saturday, July 27All That Matters

In every spreadsheet and every graph I have created for this company, I have hidden a tiny act of defiance.

In every spreadsheet and every graph I have created for this company, I have hidden a tiny act of defiance.

In every spreadsheet and every graph I have created for this company, I have hidden a tiny act of defiance.

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  • AtLeastNineToes

    Put the text in white or a very light gray and make it an unselectable protected cell so that most people can’t find or fix it

  • Hinermad

    I envy you, that your spreadsheets have so few rows that this counts as hiding.

    Although now that I think about it, I could probably replace a cell on row 3172 of one of mine and nobody would notice either.

  • HumpieDouglas

    Years ago I worked for a company that implemented Splunk for logging etc. I kept joking with my team that Splunk was the sound a turd made when it hit the water. Before Splunk went live we created a DNS entry for MrHanky that only we knew about. If we needed to see if the Splunk server was online we’d ping MrHanky. My friend that still works there confirmed it’s still there 10 years later lol.

  • mrBill12

    I saved a solar salesman’s spreadsheet onto a thumb drive while he was in the bathroom. What I found hidden away in hidden sheets…. Oh my.

  • EarhornJones

    Every script that I’ve written in my admin job, if it creates a log file, and the user doesn’t specify the name for that file, it gets named “fart.txt”.

    I don’t know why I do this, but one day a colleague was doing a presentation for our manager, and needed to show a log file to support his presentation.

    Of course, it was named “fart.txt”. The boss asked him why it was named that, and he kind of broke down a little, and said something like “I don’t know. They’re always called ‘fart’. I don’t know why. It’s always ‘fart’. Why would it do that?”

  • SmokeTypical6408

    I absolutely hated one of my previous (15y+ ago) bosses and in several emails to him I would type below my auto signature “you’re an idiot“, text white, font Wingdings. I knew he’d never be able to change the font even if he saw the Wingdings script. Made me feel better. He eventually got fired.

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