Sunday, April 14All That Matters

I work in recycling and every once in awhile I stumble onto devices worth saving from processing, like these that just need a clean or minor repair, 3DS needed top screen replaced but works great. PSP and GBC’s just needed a clean. This’s what I’ve saved from distraction so far

I work in recycling and every once in awhile I stumble onto devices worth saving from processing, like these that just need a clean or minor repair, 3DS needed top screen replaced but works great. PSP and GBC’s just needed a clean. This’s what I’ve saved from distraction so far

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  • ThanosWasRight161

    Modding aside, I wish the PSP got more attention besides Syphon Filter. Damn that game needed sequels!

    Edit- They made TWO Syphons and Resistance as well as a God of War. As with any good thing, it’s never enough.

  • klousGT

    Someone posted in a local reddit channel about doing an electronics recycling collection I asked if I could come and pick through it for vintage pc and gaming hardware they said “No for privacy reasons all hardware is destroyed” now I know the truth, they just wanted it all for themselves.

  • cubnole

    Thank you for doing this! Nothing sillier than *recycling* perfectly good items that could still be *repurposed* or *reused*.

  • unmakeme92

    I’ve been looking for a N3DS for a while, keeping my eye out for when the price is right & you find one in the bin…FML

  • Anonymo_Stranger

    I was literally just thinking this morning as I passed a sorting facility abt what kind of things waste sorters must find & wondering if they are allowed to salvage them.

  • Nervous_Key_4158

    The PSP was the rage when i was in high school, i remember giving a kid my lunch money so i could play. As an adult i barely even have time anymore. I do play board games on uvizio with my family every Sunday, it’s like a tradition

  • jontss

    I’ve repurposed about 60 computers and 15 printers out of the e-waste in my career. Fixed a PS3 I found on the curb for zero cost, too.

    People, and especially businesses, throw out tons of good stuff.

    I pulled a brand new long high quality HDMI cable out of the e-waste once. Still had the plastic caps on it. At the time it was $200 to buy it.

  • onceuponamidnightfap

    I’ve convinced my company to let me fix these kinds of devices as a cost saving Measure. I now have 40 spare PS4s and I’ve repaired over 100

  • Phantom30

    Used to have a purple GBC like the one on the bottom left. Unfortunately left it in the airline seat when I travelled on holiday with Pokemon red. Was sad until the end of the holiday when my parents went out and bought me a GBA along with Pokemon crystal.

  • dubvcronix427

    Why on earth did console company’s stop doing coloured and clear consoles. The game boy crystal still looks good even now.

  • Juh825

    I know of a guy who got fired from a recycling plant here in Brazil because he stole a huge box of “trash” that was actually a pristine Atari 2600 with four controllers, all cables and like 20 games. Very sad to think that so many consoles roll through these belts every day.

  • Schrutes_Yeet_Farm

    I worked at best buy for a while, we would regularly get stuff from customers to recycle and it would all get tossed into a big bin in the warehouse. One day I came in and saw this OG classic brick Gameboy sitting in there. I pulled it out. It looked really nice. I asked about it and they said the customer said the screen was broken. I popped in some batteries, turned it on, screen was black. I hit the contrast dial. Bingo.

    Someone had recycled a *flawless* Gameboy. It had it’s port covers, the battery cover, and the original game that came packaged with it.

    I asked the manager if I could take it. *Hard no*. Taking stuff from the recycling bin is a fireable offense. They get write-offs for this stuff so I would be taking money from them.

    I talked to the warehouse sup. I was like dude I honestly cannot let this thing be recycled. Supervisor very agreeably told me he’s not watching the bin and won’t be looking through it at any point.

    I took it home and still have it some 10 years later. People really will recycle anything

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