Saturday, July 27All That Matters

I took a color-enhanced picture of our Moon setting behind a cacti-covered butte behind my house.

I took a color-enhanced picture of our Moon setting behind a cacti-covered butte behind my house.

I took a color-enhanced picture of our Moon setting behind a cacti-covered butte behind my house.

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  • ajamesmccarthy

    This image was captured using two telescopes and two cameras to get tons of details on the lunar surface. In fact, it’s so detailed I had to downsize it for this post. I tried to compose it to have a great contrast between the bokeh of the cacti and the harsh texture of the lunar terminator (that’s where the light meets shadow on the moon). Perhaps for my next shot I will try and get some people in front of it!

  • level1biscuit

    I was born and raised in Tucson. I also have a pretty healthy obsession with the moon. I would absolutely love to buy a print. Do you sell them? This is absolutely fantastic.

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