Sunday, April 21All That Matters

*Hits you right in the nostalgia* So many fun nights LANing this with friends

*Hits you right in the nostalgia* So many fun nights LANing this with friends

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  • EVaNE85

    I wish this game was still for purchase. I left it with my parents when I moved out and it somehow vanished.

    I’d love to play it again.

  • Yjorik

    I preferred the alien campaign because as a kid I was still traumatized from the headcrabs in HL1, AVP2 facehuggers were worse than HL1 headcrabs imo.

    Predator campaign wasn’t too bad because you could see the little bastards coming but I didn’t mess with the marine campaign much, after finishing the other 2 I wasn’t too worried about it anyway.

  • darkboft

    I do not know any of the guys who are commenting here but everyone who agrees with this, I can call you friend <3

    I don’t know wo often we have played this at night of our LAN party’s. Good old time. Later we tried to adapt the online world with “avp” but this do not hit the same feelings.

  • Adriantbh

    I remember the marine campaign in the DLC being insanely hard on the hardest difficulty. A lot of fun though if you’re okay with getting manhandled.

  • JohnnyOnslaught

    I remember playing this on a shitty eMac and for some reason there was a visual glitch when playing Marines, I could put on night vision and see the Predators while they were cloaked. It was so cheesy in multiplayer, lmao.

  • bdog59600

    The multiplayer for this actually did a good job balancing the different movement and attack styles. Predators going invisible was a little OP, but I think they lost invisibility when they attacked and weren’t truly invisible.

  • Winterplatypus

    We had some great games of that. I remember a themed match with 5 marines vs my predator. I snuck up on them as they were still organising their defense. Mid conversation I pinned the leaders head to the wall as he was telling everyone what to do. It was hilarious because there was a moment where they all turned to look at his head stuck to the wall before panicking. All hell broke loose with them running around shooting down hallways nowhere near me.

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