Wednesday, July 17All That Matters

Hearing impaired woman hears her husband’s voice for the first time, and his first words to her are “I love you”

Hearing impaired woman hears her husband’s voice for the first time, and his first words to her are “I love you”

View Reddit by Sami1398View Source


  • fiddlenutz

    I love how the doctor/nurse says “Remember how I told you this would sound like Donald Duck?”

    Like woman, has she ever heard Donald Duck before?

  • ManyWeek

    How can she understand the spoken verbal language if she never heard it before? I thought that was something you have to learn through time and practice, like reading or writing.

  • EvilCalvin

    Curious to know (not necessarily this video) but if someone was deaf their whole life and began hearing at 25, would they understand spoken language? Could they have read lips the first 25 years if they never heard speech?

  • Star_Tropic

    I’m curious as to how someone who has never heard their language before can know how to understand it verbally the moment they begin hearing.

    I get that they’ve most certainly read. And can attribute words to meanings. But how do they attribute words or letters to sounds without ever having heard those sounds?

  • exccord

    Top comment on the youtube video is hilarious as hell:

    > My daughter is 13 and this really gave me hope that someday my daughter will hear my voice as well. She’s not deaf or anything, she’s just 13.

  • exccord

    Top comment on the YT video is hilarious:

    > My daughter is 13 and this really gave me hope that someday my daughter will hear my voice as well. She’s not deaf or anything, she’s just 13.

  • credomane

    Neat video.

    Quick unrelated and off-topic question…just what is going on with reddit today. Double posting has always been a thing but today? I see just about everyone double, triple, quadruple or more posting. Freaking weird. Makes me wonder if this post is gonna do that when I hit save *once*….

  • Worldsprayer

    So it’s obvious that this woman has been able to hear in the past. She is able to speak just fine and in fact you notice that upon having her hearing suddenly turned on her speech immediately improves.

    I’d say she could hear as a child, learned how to speak, and lost her hearing over time. Her speech degraded but as soon as she could hear herself, she started correcting.

    because a deaf person who has never heard before literally cannot make effective speech as we know it because they don’t know what it sounds like. They would at best know the shape of the lips, maybe the movement of the tongue a bit, but not how it actually sounds to speak.


    But seeing someone hear again is awesome.

  • Chairmanwowsaywhat

    Honest question, does she know what it means? Sure they can read in English or whatever language, but cam they speak it or even be taught what the sounds will be?

  • Siollear

    Now I am curious, does a hearing impaired person who is hearing words for the first time actually recognize what those words are? Sure she knows what “I Love You” looks like in sign language or what it looks like being mouthed… But out of the box, no lips visible, a deaf person probably would just *hear* what sounds like gibberish?

  • Ragina-PhaIange

    To give hearing people some info: a person that has been deaf since they were young (infancy, childhood type ages) wouldn’t really be able to interpret what the sound of words are. Sure they can “voice” some words but it’s not accurate. You’ve heard deaf people speak and it sounds off, right?

    Listen to this woman. She is interpreting words correctly. Her speech is perfect. What this tells me is that she became “late in life” meaning she grew up hearing, she was speaking and contributing to conversations but became deaf some time during or after adolescence.

  • jwlmkr

    Guy blew a golden opportunity to use some zany voice and make his wife think that’s what he sounds like all the time.

  • BizzyM

    “Everything’s going to sound like a machine for a little while. Now, let’s have your husband say something.”


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