Monday, April 8All That Matters

Hearing about all these layoffs throughout industries reminds me to keep true to the teachings of this guru

Hearing about all these layoffs throughout industries reminds me to keep true to the teachings of this guru

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  • Blindlyfollowing

    A couple years ago my mom passed away from cancer. My boss accused me of making it up when I asked for time off while she was sick and dying. They fired me the day after the funeral. It was a “family company.” Luckily it was an unfounded termination and I collected unemployment during Covid. Businesses don’t want loyalty from you as a worker. They want your compliance and subjugation. Great video.

  • iscashstillking

    Along those same lines HR also isn’t your friend. HR is not there to protect the employees, HR is there to protect the company FROM the employees.

  • dragnabbit

    It’s helpful to think like that regarding the COMPANY you work for your professional well-being, but it’s likely not true of your manager. I mean, unless you work for a genuine asshole (in which case you probably don’t need a “guru” to help you figure it out), most people, managers and co-workers alike, are every bit as compassionate as people at school or at church or at your local pub or any other place you socially engage. (And by that, I mean: The majority of the people you know are polite, they care somewhat, will experience a bit of happiness if you announce that you are feeling better, but they’re not going to be stopping by with chicken soup or offering to drive you to doctors appointments.)

    Of course, if you are a truly vital part of a business operation, and things are going to become a dumpster fire just because you are home in bed for 48 hours, then both the guru and I might be right: You are important enough to your manager that he or she probably cares about you equally a person and as a business asset, but again probably not exclusively the latter.

    As a reminder though: Ultimately, it still helps professionally to remind yourself that, as far as your COMPANY is concerned (not your manager) you are an asset first and a human second.

  • LeoMarius

    In a family business, you own equity in that business. Children who bust their butts working in the family diner will inherit the diner from their parents.

    My dad worked for a family-owned company. While they treated him well because he was their top seller, he trained the boss’ sons. When the boss retired, his sons moved up and took over the company. My dad didn’t get ownership of the company, but his trainees did because they were literally family and he wasn’t.

  • feedandslumber

    This is what I say during interviews when they say that they’re like a family here. Wait, do you pay your family and fire them when they don’t perform?

  • bryanr19

    I am a manager. When I ask someone how they are, that’s all I care about. When one of my employees is grieving I ask them to take more time off than they are initially asking for. When someone has a mental health crisis I treat it as I would a broken limb and ask them to take time off. Why is Reddit so consumed with this narrative that all management (“bosses”) are evil, Machiavellian devils. You’re all blaming managers for the evils that these boards of directors of big companies create with their insane demands for gigantic growth relates every year. Direct your angst at them and leave us poor middle management schmucks out of your line of fire. Please.

  • makenzie71

    Good advice, but not consistent. Types of company and size play a huge role in it. I use to work for a publicly traded fortune 500 outfit and no one cared about you. I now work for a smaller privately owned competitor and have gotten calls from the owner to ask how I’m doing…he’s not going to sacrifice his company for me, but I don’t have any doubts that he’d go beyond any obligation he has to help me.

  • SPPANK666

    “Let me know what I can do to help you cry faster”. I laughed out loud to that one. So true. Wtf is your boss gonna do for your bereavement.

  • Gardakkan

    My bosses are awesome and care about all their staff, it’s the higher ups (Senior directors, VP, CEO) that don’t give a shit in my experience.

  • TheDeltronZero

    While I’m sure these thought were on his mind my first boss and his wife did came to my fathers funeral. I did still resigned but it was nice of him.

    Edit: and at my current job our team went to a colleagues mothers funeral while on the clock.

  • Prime_Cat_Memes

    I’m a boss and I genuinely care about my employees. If I had to lay them off I would be devastated. When they are sick I feel bad because they are sick. Yes production is important but it is secondary to being a human. I don’t know why you can’t be both someone running a company and a compassionate human at the same time.

  • itstommygun

    Having been a manager in a retail store, this is not true all the time. (The part about your boss not caring at least). I cared. Yes, I had a job to do myself, and I had all of the rest of the team to take care of. You not showing up for work effected everyone, but who picked up 90% of the slack? Me. But I still cared.

  • captainscarlet22

    Isn’t that pretty true for all non-friends a who aren’t really in your personal circle anyways? We really don’t care about people who we really don’t know. We can’t really connect with them like we do with people in your personal circle. If my buddy broke his leg, I would be concerned and help out. But for the guy down the street? Oh well, have a nice day.

    Don’t expect your boss or any one above you, that’s not in your circle, to be your friend. Heck, be careful around people at the same level too.

  • hellafarious

    Ugh, I had to squash this “family” shit in a recent meeting. Also, this org gives out fake awards for general tasks. I consider it incredibly toxic. How about you give me an actual award…money

  • Boring_Mud7323

    I manage people and this isnt true for me. I actually give a fuck, but if you replace “boss” with “employer” its all true.

    As peoples’ boss I care about their well being because its what I can do to make a small improvement on life around me. However, I cannot control the strong incentives of capitalism and I am only one person. So I dont pretend employees are family, but I do genuinely give a shit and encourage healthy work culture.

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