Sunday, July 21All That Matters

[Forbes] Rob Walton expected to buy the Broncos for $4.5 billion, the most expansive sale for a sports franchise.

[Forbes] Rob Walton expected to buy the Broncos for $4.5 billion, the most expansive sale for a sports franchise.

[Forbes] Rob Walton expected to buy the Broncos for $4.5 billion, the most expansive sale for a sports franchise.

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  • leftcoastjimmy

    the biggest takeaway i had from this was how much it pays to win a few championships with a franchise. mostly an NBA fan and thinking about how much golden state, milwaulkee and toronto’s valuations have skyrocketed since a chip.

    also opens up a very interesting thought which is related to payroll/luxury tax. truly a great risk v. reward case study — teams that spend bonkers $$$ in the tax and win it all? they get it all back in valuation and teams that don’t gain little to nothing, if not negative valuation repercussions.


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