Friday, April 26All That Matters

First ever internet user (1981)

First ever internet user (1981)

First ever internet user (1981) from OldSchoolCool

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  • Laudanumium

    Not Internet, FIDOnet at best.

    Call in to BBS, like RA and through the interface write some messages.
    Not persé first internet, but the precursor of email and later bigger interconnected networks.

    I had my FIDOnet account since early ’83 and exchanged messages about games and hobbies throughout the (western) world, mostly US and Canadian.

  • LifeIsIndustry

    I remember having Netscape before IE was ever out, then came AOL cds which I’ve learned how they worked and decided to keep calling them threatening to cancel them and keep my internet for years. 😂

  • Slight_Tea

    Sir David Attenborough:
    “What a curiosity. Unafraid, this adolescent communicates freely with those he doesn’t know.”
    *whimsical music*
    “Although this world is dangerous, he meets each day with a strong will and a stubborn resolve. Here, we observe the birth of an ornery Mod.”

  • Blrfl

    Good gravy, I had the exact same set of hardware, right down to the TG joystick.

    Definitely not the Internet. I remember using BBSes that used `/EX` to end a message but can’t remember what software used it.

  • Phobbyd

    It’s a BBS, they weren’t rare at all all used them in the mid-late 80s and early 90s. ’81 is before my time though. This kid was rockin’ an Apple II. I wasn’t on a BBS until I had a 286 SX-20.

  • aduncan8434

    I love how when he receives the anonymous message from Saxonney he just dives in with, “I guess we’ll chat a little.”

    Like the very first Native Americans to receive Europeans…

    Hindsight is 20/20 😂

  • Wwwweeeeeeee

    I first saw the internet in 1982.

    My weird genius billionaire friend in Chicago showed me how he could talk/type to people in real time on this strange TV screen box thing that connected over phone lines via the screeching modem box.

    First sentence i ever saw….

    “Care to chat?”

  • RedditorChristopher

    Kid looks like he’s about to engage in some anticompetitive practices and spend the back half of his life funding AIDS research and distributing vaccines.

  • Awkward_Tradition

    “thy servant”, “mistress”, hmmmm… Billy might be into some kinky shit, the next he knows he’ll end up in assless lederhosen.

  • GurIllustrious4983

    I love that people remember the ones who founded these things and were there before us. I wasn’t even born then but appreciate those that have come before and explored. Sometimes the younger generation gets fixated on calling the generation before incapable or treats them as if they are completely invalid. This is why I’m hate the term boomer used for the older generation. It reduces a whole generation to nothing and forgets that those generations build up the system for us to live in. They aren’t perfect but neither are we.

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