Djokovic: “My son was cheering for Nadal in the AO final and every point that Rafa would make, Stefan would be jumping around and fist pumping like Rafa”
Djokovic: "My son was cheering for Nadal in the AO final and every point that Rafa would make, Stefan would be jumping around and fist pumping like Rafa" from sports
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I mean… The son is not wrong
Props to the son!
The son knows his dad is a clown
Well your son needs someone who isn’t a complete doofus to cheer for…
People of reddit is not objetive at all, and they only hates him for being anti-vacunt,
Can’t cheer for dad if he’s not playing due to bring anti jab.
Stop trying to humanise this piece of garbage. The son is 100% right
Trying to save face after the circus he put on? 🤡
I don’ t care. Nothing coming from him makes me smile.
This man is a hero
We’re not Djoking Novak….get the vaccine.
Fuck Novak
His son probably wants a photo with Rafa because he’s not known to take photos with kids while COVID positive.
“he even gets vaccinated like Rafa!”
Downvote, if this guy isn’t gonna play tennis then I don’t want to hear about him and his anti Vax bullshit.