Saturday, May 11All That Matters

Depends are great

Depends are great

Depends are great
by u/ListerineAfterOral in gaming

View Reddit by ListerineAfterOralView Source


  • Still-Pattern-6384

    Reddit when you comment on a flawed game after playing it for an hour:

    Reddit when you comment on a flawed game after finishing it because they tell you that you have to complete a game to criticize it:

    There’s no end apparently

  • StupidestGuyNominee

    Complaining a new game doesn’t have enough content after putting 150 hours into it during the opening weekend

  • ExhibitionistBrit

    Better than the people who haven’t even played eight hours and come online to complain the game is badly designed while the rest of us are 80 hours in and loving it.

    Edit: All I want is for people to realise the difference between bad game design and games that they don’t personally like.

  • rikon67

    I play warframe, every year there is some bigger update that makes lots of bugs, erorrs etc. Every update I complain About it, but I still get the new warframe weapons etc in the first week, I know they make hotfixes changes so the new things have better drop rate but I still play it this way

  • CawCawDumDum

    Reddit has such short term memory loss.

    It’s literally just a cycle repeating.

    -Early hard core players reach end-game, start posting issues.

    -People mock them and ignore those issues.

    -Literally have the exact same issues several weeks later and complain about it like it’s something new. Everyone agrees with their complaint.

  • SnuffTheRooster93

    **I bought all 4 games on 3 separate platforms, logged 500+ hours, own all 9 expansions, €300 of DLC, and sleep with a body pillow of its main antagonist.**

    **This series sucks.**

  • Siegschranz

    If this is about Diablo 4, to be fair they did have early access over the weekend. I knew what time I’d have and made sure I had free time during that. And it was a very enjoyable time with friends and family. I played super casually but still got probably 18-24hrs or so in the early access period.

  • Wolfdude91

    Depends are garbage, even as far as medical grade goes. If you want a medical Adult Diaper, Abenas are a good start. Otherwise look into ABDL brands like PeekABUs or Bambino.

  • Rathal_OS

    Steam after 50 hours of a game “would you recommend it?”

    Me : “No, too much fun, I wouldn’t recommend it”

  • kkirv

    I have 80 hours in the first 4 days, too. I accidently left my computer and game running while I was on vacation.

  • Revo_Int92

    It’s like me complaining about Overwatch “2” (that fucking piece of shit), I uninstalled for good last week, but ever since release back in october, I played… what, 100 hours or something? It’s literally a drug, it’s tough to get rid of it (Doomfist is like cocaine). We joke about these situations, but the point is how addiction play a major role

  • raymendx

    Who the fuck says those 80hrs were enjoyable!?

    For all you know the player could have been trying to find ways of enjoying the game. Plus the game time runs even if it’s paused or you’re playing inventory management.

    Clearly none of you have ever forced yourself to finish a book you don’t like.

  • K6L2

    The customer has every right to critique a game after taking as long as they need to experience it. Gamers get really defensive over this kind of thing for no reason.

  • Cleveland_Guardians

    Reminds me of when the new Pokemon games came out. People threw such a fit, but it’s Pokemon. The issues don’t matter much when most of them probably bought the last one, most of them will probably keep playing this one, and most of them will probably buy the next one. I’ll never forget the post that complained about how the preorder bonuses have been bad for a long time and are only getting worse and ended with something along the lines of “I’m still preordering the next one though lol.”

  • fr0d

    You can’t truly criticize a game unless you give it a try. The best critical reviews are from people who experience the entire thing.

    This is why I still play Zelda games. I need real ammo to defend myself against the people who have been fans their whole lives and will never criticize these sub-par games like BotW and TotK.

  • SonofaTimeLord

    Depends are shit, if you wanna really up your gaming you gotta get some proper gamer pants like MegaMax or PeekABUs

  • Bean_Juice_Brew

    If you’re gaming so much that you’d rather piss your pants than head to the bathroom, you might have an addiction.

  • Inksrocket

    Steam reviews be like

    Game cost: 19.99

    >Playtime 250 hours (150h when writing)
    >Review: **Not recommended because theres not much to do**

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