Darude’s Sandstorm performed by Synthony and the Auckland Symphony Orchestra
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Darude’s Sandstorm performed by Synthony and the Auckland Symphony Orchestra
View Reddit by michaelmurfy – View Source
Didn’t think it was possible but I just got goosebumps on top of goosebumps
Far far better than expected! I’m just going to try to listen to other stuff from them, that’s soooo well arranged.
Edit: okkkaayy, so there is a dj with turntables and an an iMac for the rhythmics. I would have prefer drummers but, hey, fair enough, still good.
13 year old me would never have believed that this would be in store in the future.
This really drives home the point that Gen Y/Millenials are the adult generation now and we are the ones to decide what cool shit to spend money on, freaking love it.
Would love to see more symphonies around the world doing fun songs like this!
Whats the name of that song?
What’s with the editing? Far too many shots of the crowd and not enough of the musicians.
phone recording culture has ruined moments like these so much
Not orchestral at all. They still have the synths playing over them.
Wish they would have shown more of the musicians instead of dudes bopping up and down
Reminds me of the time an Icelandic vikingmetal band and the Icelandic symphony held a concert together along with 3 choirs. It was possibly the most magnificent musical experience I’ve had in my 43 years.
It’s still heavily synthesized. I thought the orchestra would play a larger role in the song
I was expecting way more orchestra in this.
Why are people on their phones wtf.
Reminds me of when they started that airshow with this song https://youtu.be/valQZEMJBEg
This is what I imagine it was like when Bethoven would drop a new track
The venue for this reminded me if State Palace in New Orleans. I used to go to races there. It was awesome.
Those lasers should not be hitting headheight on the upper circle
It was a cool video, but I was hoping it was just the orchestra.
Anyways, this reminded me about the time I was at a computer party and [the opening show was a youth orchestra playing the Battlefield theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48A5HgumBjE), so thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Why even bother to have the orchestra if they are just gonna play the old mp3 super loudly over them?
If you’re just gonna drown out any orchestra sound by turning the synth to 11, why even bother with an orchestra?
The world needs more of this.
Shite… Should’ve focused more on the actual musicians than the light show FFS.
The music was cool and all but all I could think about was the lasers to the eyes and how it was probably a good thing everyone on the second level didn’t hop in sync or the second floor would collapse.
I cant **not** think of [Wanderlei Silva’s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-wCXgS_dYE) walkout in Pride when I hear this.
People in the future are going to browse though our archives and then they are going to find this video. What will be their reactions?
Fuck this is hella dramatic.
More like performed “over” a pre recorded sandstorm.
Why is the video 90% crowd shots?
And why is there hardly any actual orchestra?
This sucks.
Lol, if I wanted another synthesized version, I’ll just listen’s to Darude’s own version.
Did anybody else get really reminded of the dance-orgy scene from The Matrix?
**looks at sheet**
“Wait… you want me to play ***how*** many 16th notes?”
That was really lame. Massive backing track doing almost all the work.
Violins with electric effects added to them is ingenious, I wish it was more common. Saw Snarky Puppy play live and the violin electric solo to Bigly Strictness gave me goosebumps
Yeah the 10% that the orchestra is actually doing sounds good. But tis still 90% of synth from the original song