Sunday, July 14All That Matters

Crescent Nebula from my Backyard using a DSLR, Telescope, and LP Filter

Crescent Nebula from my Backyard using a DSLR, Telescope, and LP Filter

Crescent Nebula from my Backyard using a DSLR, Telescope, and LP Filter

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  • njoker555

    Taken from my backyard this week over 2 nights (6.4 hours total) using a DSLR and L-eNhance filter. I couldn’t get enough of the OIII around the bean to appear as well as I thought I could but I think it still looks pretty good.

    Equipment used:
    * Astro-Tech AT60ED with the 0.8x Reducer/Flattener on Advanced VX Mount
    * Mount controlled via Astroberry
    * Canon T2i @ ISO 1600 (H-alpha modded)
    * clip-in Optolong L-eNhance filter
    * Svbony 60mm guide scope with ZWO ASI120MM-Mini guide cam
    * 96×240 sec lights
    * 22 darks
    * 35 bias
    * 40 flats
    * Stacked in AstroPixelProcess and did some auto stretches on it, light pollution removal, and star color calibration.
    * Post-Processed in Photoshop: Levels adjustment to make background a bit darker and Topaz DeNoise for noise reduction.

    You can see a higher resolution at

    More details on Astrobin:

    Still building my YouTube if anyone is interested:

    You can also find me on the socials on Twitter (, IG, and YouTube @Naztronomy and also find my subreddit at r/Naztronomy.

  • njoker555

    Thanks for the gold, anonymous person. Fun fact: Gold is thought to have been created in neutron star mashups. Before this hypothesis, scientists thought they were created in supernovae.

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