Wednesday, May 15All That Matters

can anyone tell me more about this game?

can anyone tell me more about this game?

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  • Ousantacruz

    If it’s the one I’m thinking about, it’s a third person overhead 3D beat ‘em up style game from what I remember. I remember liking it but I’ve long since lost the disc.

  • loyaltomyself

    I remember the final level was super hard because the bad depth perception made getting through the laser barriers very difficult.

  • Ok_Deal_964

    If it’s the one on PS1 it was pretty hard.

    Also had quite a pulled out 3rd person camera.

    I rented it from my local video store until i managed to compete it !

    man what a blast from the last

  • TranscendedWolf

    I enjoyed this game as a kid. You played as Obi-Wan. Except for your lightsaber you also had termal detonators. Also guns if I recall correctly. You visit all the locations of episode 1 and it also has scenes similar to the movie like both Dath Maul fights. The camera was annoying at times though.

  • Exodus412

    That game was so much fucking fun. Whatever you wanna know ask. Best part was going to where the gungans are.

    Get to fight the rolly polly droids in the first level, it’s pretty much scene for scene of the first movie. It’s great!

  • Raging__Raven

    Thought the game was pretty good back in the day, always had issues when in the Gungan city but enjoyed it, fond memories at least.

  • BaldWithABeardTwitch

    Absolutely loved this game. The Tatooine level was the best.

    (Yes I probably spelt it wrong but on mobile cba to google)

  • N00body1989

    It was a campaign ran by Pepsi (duh) that had you collect bottlecaps and enter the codes written in them on a website iirc. When you had enough (like 10 – 15 maybe? I don’t remember) they would send you that demo disc. I played that demo countless times!

  • rentpossiblytoohigh

    It was pretty hard as a kid. Played it on computer, it actually froze our computer many times until we upgraded and I re-installed. It would freeze at the Tatooine cutscene showing the grey shiny ship that they fly. I remember on the Tatooine portion that you can kill innocents and these guards would fight you so as a kid that was as close to a Grand Theft Auto experience massacre I could get at my age. Also when you go through the swamps with Jar-Jar I vaguely remember you can kill him (and immediately lose) with your light saber. The parts of the game where you are in Theed is also hard if I recall. I remember there being a part where you can give a soldier one of your bacta tank things and he will help you out for a while, but I always struck him down with my lightsaber.

  • Useless_Lemon

    Be careful where you save. I saved at a bad spot as a kid and everytime I loaded it up I kept dying. Also, have fun. Lol

  • ddgviper3000

    Fun game back in the day. One level you could play as Qui-Gon and murder every NPC in Mos Espa. Honestly this level of freedom was ahead of its time.

  • Randym1982

    If you call your local Blockbuster they might have the Prima Guide to the game. If not, try the PlayStation Help line, ask for Steve.

  • MistahBoweh

    [Wikipedia entry.](

    It’s a rough-around-the edges movie tie in action game. Had a copy as a kid, but I was too young to ever get far in it. I just remember they recreated the opening sequence pretty faithfully, from the smoke filling the conference room to the droidekas to your ship getting asploded and the hitchhike on a droid transport. Then you get to the forests of Naboo and meet jar-jar, which even as a babbo, I always knew as the correct time to drop the controller and go do something else. If that demo disk is just the opening level, it might be the optimal way to experience the game.

  • dark_LUEshi

    this comes from a time when people still had hope for star wars. these movies were announced years ahead and the promotional campaign surrounding the release of ep1 was huge, that summer everything was star was themed, you had r2d2 shaped coke coolers in convenience store, star wars doritos bags, it was everywhere. It was probably the largest promotion for a movie ever and that cartdridge is a leftover of that lol.

  • AstronomerSenior4236

    Oh my god, this brings back memories. This was for the PS1 and it was a fun but deceptively difficult game. I made it all the way to the final Maul fight but never beat him.

    There were a *lot* of secret passages.

  • DaiCardman

    my favorite game as a kid. Its a star wars game where you can use a rifle as a jedi and grenades it plays like an old action game but as RPG elements pretty awesome. speedrunning this game is also pretty fun because there are some really fun skips!

    you play as multiple characters Obi wan Qui Gon Padme and Captain Panaka.

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