Saturday, July 27All That Matters

Bruce Lee, Wende Wagner and Van Williams, in a promotional picture for the 1966 TV series The Green Hornet.

Bruce Lee, Wende Wagner and Van Williams, in a promotional picture for the 1966 TV series The Green Hornet.

Bruce Lee, Wende Wagner and Van Williams, in a promotional picture for the 1966 TV series The Green Hornet.

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1 Comment

  • dejaVooAgain

    That show changed my life.

    I saw Bruce Lee and the Green Hornet guest star on Batman and Robin

    I took one look at Lee kicking people and my 5 year old self thought “my life will be a whole lot better if I learn to do that”

    I started training when I was 15 and 40 years later I show no signs of stopping

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