A biking tour of the subterranean warehouse district in Springfield, MO – over 2.5 million square feet of underground storage.
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A biking tour of the subterranean warehouse district in Springfield, MO – over 2.5 million square feet of underground storage.
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Looks like it’s located around [37°14’10.1″N 93°13’07.5″W](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B014'10.1%22N+93%C2%B013'07.5%22W/@37.2359894,-93.2196727,928m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xec0eac59fbc5081f!8m2!3d37.2361389!4d-93.21875) and it’s absolutely massive. It’s hard to tell exactly how far it goes from the surface; this [rough map](https://static.flickr.com/53/147510397_c14b25e123_o.jpg) was the closest thing I could find, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the non-zoned areas go out much further.
Portal/SCP vibes!
this is bad ass
[Gimli Approves](https://makeagif.com/gif/gimli-says-yes-pwaa7s)
“I’m not an engineer” Yeah, I don’t buy it.
We have a ton of these cave warehouses in Missouri. Off the top of my head I can think of a few in the KC area alone.
Bro has red and blue police lights on his bike for some reason
As someone who lives in Springfield, I lovingly refer to that place as Redneck Moria.
I would hate to be in there during a power outage.
“Do not go down there, under any circumstances;”.
Mole people confirmed
Dude sounds like tom hanks.
that would make for an amazing race drone parkour!
If everyone starts driving underground there (if a bunch of warehouses are added, it will increase traffic) how is all of the exhaust going to be ventilated?
How come it’s wet everywhere?
What about ventilation? OP can you tell us how that works?
So where is all the stuff?
I just see Day of the Dead (the Wampum Underground Commerce Center)