80$?? Those Smurfs better pop out of the screen and do my taxes
View Reddit by Furretfan100 – View Source
80$?? Those Smurfs better pop out of the screen and do my taxes
View Reddit by Furretfan100 – View Source
Do you live in Canada
Is that pronounced vi-leaf or vile AF?
Nintendo is cringe whit the price of games
It’s a [collector’s edition](https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/products/the-smurfs-mission-vileaf-smurftastic-edition—nintendo-switch/311448.html).
It’s not 80$ currently. That sticker is from January. They either don’t do price changes, it’s not logged in inventory, they don’t have the game but have the case, or this image is old.
[The only Smurfs game we ever needed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcoxH4QLcLo)
Classic GameStop
And just think your grandchildren will have the honour of also paying $79 if they want that game
You’re paying way too much for tax software.
Just get a switch from when they first came out. Hack it and play free games all you want. I have 2, one for online and one (hacked) for games that don’t matter if they’re online or not
And it’s even distressed so you don’t have to wear it down yourself! Can’t get a better deal than this.
You’d hate NZ for that. New standard edition games: $110, deluxe or gold editions: anywhere from $130+
To be fair, the price of AAA games has been $60 for a long time while everything else has got more expensive. But, I figured the next step would be $65, maybe 70… $80 seems like a big jump.
Those smurfs must be high on lsd I aint payin for that shit
These prices seem arbitrary.
They’re definitely trying to smurf you over.
Overwatch 2 released early, I see.
Papa smurf better be licking my ass this time.
Obviously you didn’t notice it comes with 2 sticker sheets.
But if your a pro, you get 2x the points!
LMAO TurboSmurf
55$ for a pre owned super mario odyssey? arent pre owned games supposed to sell at half the original price?
That’s vile AF
Tbf, they are also charging more than Walmart while also selling pre owned instead of new
Switch games cost an absolute fortune (the physical version I mean). It’s crazy!
It’s a switch game. What did you expect?
Let me guess: Gamestop price
I was just at a Gamestop in the mall yesterday. They wanted $30 for a used game that’s $20 new at walmart and target. They deserve to fail and have the home town shops take over.
Welcome to Canada, unless you’re talking PS5, then add another $10 worth of Canuckle Coins onto that
What a Smurf off!
I love Canada :’)