Thursday, April 11All That Matters

You Enjoy Witcher 3? Or you have played it but want a trip down the memory lane? This is Witcher 3 in 2023!

You Enjoy Witcher 3? Or you have played it but want a trip down the memory lane? This is Witcher 3 in 2023!

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  • Killerbub

    Hello folks, want to give some context behind the post. So this is Jack Sather one of my favorite creators and YouTube gave him a punch in the face for an absurd reason. While I genuinely want to help him this does not mean the video does not hold much value. This video and the effort put into it deserves a lot of praise. You should check out the whole story by going to Jack’s community tab on his channel and you will learn why I wish to help him and who knows if you give his other videos and opportunity you might enjoy them!
    Thanks folks, help the lad out it costs nothing. Spread kindness!

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