Sunday, April 7All That Matters

What scum bag would play with the shanties off?!

What scum bag would play with the shanties off?!

View Reddit by JackdawsShantyManView Source


  • Jeshua_

    You can hold the switch song button and Edward tells them to quiet. So this is just a strange addition unless you never ever want to hear them. Maybe strict parents who check the lyrics of the shanties. I could see me telling my parents it’s no big deal and if you guys hear something you don’t like there’s an option. Idk.

  • Kinenai

    Phillips Deans. Philadelphians. Philharmonics. Filipinos. Phyllis Dillers. Fillipellis. Uncle Phillissess.

    Scurvy maggots.

  • Melody71400

    Honestly, this was my favorite out of them all. I played on the Wii u. You coukd have the map in your hand and the view on the tv. Best way to play imo

  • Usesourname

    I had the ost cd from the AC4 Black Flag CE. I would play it whenever we would go drinking and I was DD. Unfortunately it met its end under the foot of an awful X where the treasure had been plundered and the shores were n’er to be seen again.

  • theevilyouknow

    They really should protect the players from themselves and not even allow you to turn off the sea shanties.

  • Alias11_

    I have never played Black Flag but this menu and option looks exactly the same as it did in Assassin’s Creed Rogue.

    And yes the Sea Shanties were amazing.

  • CupcakeValkyrie

    Are the songs copyrighted? That might be a possibility. Could also be that some people want to go sailing in the calm quiet. I know there have been a few times playing Sea of Thieves where I wanted to just take my boat out to a remote part of the sea and chill, just sailing with the sound of the sea.

  • socialcredditsystem

    For real real though, a lot of times streamers and game reviewers will need the ability to turn off music that could trigger dmca algos on YouTube.

  • TheBeachDudee

    I got banned from playing with the shanties on because I would drive around on my moped with snowboarding goggles on singing them.

    Suffice to say my gf wasn’t impressed. And neither was her family.

    I guess I should say ex-gf. I should go back and play that again…

  • itzinthefridge

    Sometimes id get tired of the same few songs and turn it off to listen to the sounds of the ocean and birds

  • RogueArtificer

    I don’t know what game this is, by screen, and though I saw it in reply to a comment, I would be this monster.

    I don’t play many video games, but when I do, I usually play with the sound offz

  • Quick-Anywhere-2517

    Nothing compares to playing Black Flag alone at night driving your ship and hearing your crew sing Lowlands Away

  • draedek

    Only those who don’t know what good music sounds like. For me I always make a point to dash straight to drunken sailor, that shit stay on 24/7 in every playthrough

  • Set_Jumpy

    I didn’t need the comments to tell me what menu I was looking at.
    I did need all the strength in the world not to shout “WHAT KIND OF A SICK BASTARD DOESNT LOVE THE SHANTIES?!” And wake my sleeping wife.

    I loved just pootling about collecting new ship upgrades and shanties while somewhere, some terribly exciting assassin flavoured thing was going on without me.

    Good times.

  • Notevenclosekhunt

    The only thing worse than the songs were my friends drunkenly reciting them for years after the game was relevant

  • svhons

    I love how given time, people turn around on their opinion on this game.

    Back then on launch, this game is the most hated thing on the planet as if this specific game are the sole responsible of those people suffering.

    Nowadays, nothing but praises; not complaining, I loved the game since day one

  • KynetonKaiju92

    I’m just surprised Ubisoft still lets people play this game even though they pulled some shit with the DLC and old server shutdowns.

    If people want recommendations for a recent album of Sea Shanties, go check out Nathan Evans’ Wellerman. It’s an entire album of shanties including everyone’s favourite Drunken Sailor.

  • Tenshouu

    What will we do with a drunken sailor

    What will we do with a drunken sailor

    What will we do with a drunken sailor

    Early in the morning?

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