Sunday, April 14All That Matters

What if Germany has won World War one? Artwork from the HOI4 mod ‘Kaiserreich’

What if Germany has won World War one? Artwork from the HOI4 mod ‘Kaiserreich’

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  • KR-VincentDN

    This is one of my artworks made for the HOI4 mod Kaiserreich, called ‘Peace Everlasting’. It was made for the ‘World of Kaiserreich’ series, a video series exploring the universe: [](

    Quick intro:

    *What if Germany had won World War 1?*


    *The World of Kaiserreich is an animated video series explaining the lore of the Hearts of Iron mod Kaiserreich. In the alt-history timeline of Kaiserreich, a German victory in WW1 changes the world as we know it.*

    *In this episode, we take a closer look at the titular Kaiserreich in 1919 and 1939. After winning the Great War, an era of hope and reconstruction quickly gives way to a new dark age in Europe. Germany has defeated Britain, France and Russia, but at what cost? The collapse of the British and French colonial empires is spilling over into German holdings. And from the broken shells of their former enemies, a new and more dangerous foe has risen: The spectre of Syndicalism now haunting Europe.*

  • Equisapien004

    Games and mods like this have irreparably damaged peoples understanding of world history and geopolitics. Stuff like “what if the nazis won” (different from this, i know) is fundamentally just bad. Everything ends up being based on propaganda from the nazis themselves about how great and advanced they were. They never had a chance, and if they had won it would not go that way.

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