Thursday, April 11All That Matters

Total Mystery

Total Mystery

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  • MechanicalHorse

    inb4 all the “it’s not the breed it’s the owner” comments. NO IT FUCKING ISN’T. Pit bulls are a dangerous breed, full stop. Fuck the apologists.

    Edit: looks like I’ve triggered all the pit bull owners

  • StarkRavingNormal

    When my SIL was pregnant she had this a terribly violent pitbull, it was like a rescue from a dog fighting ring or some shit. I was very worried about the baby being around it. But luckily some other pitbulls killed it before the baby was born.

  • PrometheusTNO

    Show me news compilations of the golden attacks. Show me compilations of bulldogs, of shepherds, of malamutes. Find ANY breed as prone to these levels of snapping after YEARS of living with a family. Pit bulls can never be trusted 100%. A baby coughed and got mauled to death? Sorry your breed is prone to this. Don’t ask us to pretend it’s not.

  • SomeBodybuilder7910

    Yeah. At this point the situation is just sad. So many hurt and killed, and so many that will be in the future.

    We don’t NEED the breed. There are other breeds. WE created it, WE can END it.

  • Sluggocide

    I used to side with “its not the breed”. My buddies have had them. It’s just got to be acknowledged that in the same way collies are bred to herd animals, putbulls were bred to mangle stuff.

  • LivingWithWhales

    We should, as a world/country, ban the breeding of pit bulls, sure own them, but fix them, and let them die off.

    Same for French bulldogs, pugs, and the other breeds that basically suffocate 24/7

  • BrandoCalrissian1995

    Everyone posting links saying “small dog breeds are technically more aggressive blah blah blah”

    If a chihuahua snaps and starts acting aggressive I can punt the fucker across the room. A pit bull snaps and it’s fuckin killing people.

  • BrandoCalrissian1995

    The pit bull apologists have arrived. Sorry guys, your favorite breed will snap for no reason and kill people. Those are facts. Sure they’re not the most “aggressive” by whatever bullshit opinion article you show me, but the fact is pit bulls account for 60% of deaths by dogs. Sure a chihuahua maybe more aggressive, but they ain’t killing people when they snap.

  • fhrisl3857ddjj

    “The mother coughed and startled the dog”. Imagine owning an animals that if you cough at the wrong time will kill your baby.

  • Santos_L_Halper_II

    “STOP HITTING MY DOG!” – some motherfucker to me as his precious little darling pit bull had my Lab’s throat in his mouth.

  • oldasaurus

    My brother owns a rescue pitbull. We foster rescue dogs, and we won’t take pit bulls and my brother regularly used to tell us, who have fostered over a hundred animals, that we were being ridiculous. Right up to the day his pit bull ripped the front of the skull off of the puppy that belonged to my son. I don’t know what the math is for having a safe pit bull, but I know what it looks like when you get it wrong. I’m thankful that it was the dog and not my son.

  • bendy5428

    There is nothing wrong with the breed just disappearing and they simply do not need to exist. So long as we perpetuate their existence we continue their suffering. We are the worst thing for pit bulls because we not only breed them into existence but also kill them and mistreat them for being exactly what breeders wanted them to be.

    It would be better for everyone (pit bulls included) if we just stopped making more pit bulls.

  • OSUfan88

    I was recently a foreman in a trial case where a pitbull attacked a mailman, severely disfiguring his face.

    We ultimately gave the owners $1.2 million in punitive damages. Edit* By this, I mean we decided the owners owed the mailman $1.2 million.

    It was a very interesting case. AMA.

  • tarel69

    This breed is not a domestic animal. They have been inbreed/mix for the last 40 years so many times.

    Pit bulls were created to have a killing instinct and a killer bite, to clamp down and to shake, holding onto their victim while being inflicted with physical pain themselves. Their primary purpose is now a felony in every state in the U.S. and every province in Canada, but their heritage isn’t something we can erase.

  • Yarchening

    people from /r/velvethippos coming to defend pitbulls like their sub isnt ironically named after one of the most deadly animals on the planet.

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