Tuesday, March 26All That Matters

To this day, the Guardian Ape in Sekiro remains the hardest boss I’ve ever fought

To this day, the Guardian Ape in Sekiro remains the hardest boss I’ve ever fought

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  • Isunova

    A note on the artwork: I found the picture on Reddit, and I am unable to properly source the original artist. If the artist sees this post, know your work is greatly appreciated.

  • IndependentBend8243

    Thats when I stopped playing the game. I knew he was the next boss and I just couldn’t bring myself to struggle for another week.

  • dx2words

    >!Me: there is no way this game can make this boss more unfair after bringing him back to life after he is defeated !<

    >! FromSoftware: are you sure about that? !<

  • Advan0s

    A yes the ape that made me quit sekkiro. Not really a fan of sekkiro as I tried to like it but the gameplay never clicked with me and i just brute forced my way all the way up to this fucker and after a few days of dying on the last phase i gave up trying to beat down a brick wall with my head. On the other hand I completed Elden Ring 2 times now and can’t wait for the new DLC.

  • TerminalJovian

    When put to the test, isshin is the hardest boss I ever fought because he’s the only thing I was never able to beat with demon bell + charmless.

  • _Anonymus___

    I feel sad I never really got to experience souls games , I always played online when I had a difficult time which was like 4-5 tries last and I just asked helped from my younger brother in sekiro. I didn’t even beat lady butterfly ):

  • Ishkabo

    Then you fight two of them lol.

    Amazing game, still probably my favorite FS ever. The uncapped frame rate mod on PC breathes even more life into it, the animations are freaking gorgeous.

  • NurgleSoup

    Ngl I beat the guardian ape through pure plink damage just kiting him around the arena and getting a few smacks in while he recovered from his slower moves, first attempt.

    I’m not bragging, I know it’s cheese, and the encounter took a long time. I struggled a LOT on other bosses, but the cheese method on the ape was so obviously intended and invited I don’t get how anyone struggled with it unless you just decided you’re going to go pure aggro and try to deflect everything.

  • Lyrikan

    This was by and far the hardest game I ever played, but Guardian Ape only took me 5 tries across an hour and a half. Genichiro Way of Tomoe was the biggest roadblock for me. Four solid hours attempting at the highest level and preparation I could realistically have been. Those lightning attacks were incredibly hard to time. It was the first and only time in my life I thought I wouldn’t be able to beat a video game boss. Nothing in any of the souls games came close, I always beat every boss within a few attempts and in under an hour.

    Sword Saint Isshin Ashina was another 4 hours, and then the Shura ending on NG+ was another 4 hours. I was beating Emma flawlessly by the end I had to fight her so much.

    Platinum #399 on my PSN

  • TheCircleLurker

    Havent played it yet but I’ve heard it’s hard af. Those Valkyrie bitches in GOW had me rage quitting left and right though

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