Thursday, April 11All That Matters

These boys were ejected from Marietta High School in Marietta, Georgia for their long hair in 1971.

These boys were ejected from Marietta High School in Marietta, Georgia for their long hair in 1971.

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  • blackcircus18

    Haha I was in Gainesville when this picture was taken. Just a young lad.

    My sisters were about this age. One of my sisters dated this dude who drove a sweet Pontiac Trans Am. I loved that car.

  • donePemmican627

    I remember you could not get into Disneyland or Denny’s restaurant, denied gas, you name it.

    Just because of our hair, not to mention having to run for your life from the jocks, and the police always pulled you over and ran through your car and up against the wall. Music was a major defiance and uniting force for us against them.

  • ParkerBench

    I well remember those days. Boys/men with long hair were called sissies, girls, and less kind homophobic words. They were barred from school and other spaces. This is one reason today’s “conservatives” and “Christian” nationals are so terrifying. They want to go back to those “conform to our values or else” days in ways large and small.

  • JerrysStillHere

    Our high school had no hair or dress code in early 70`s….Jocks dressed like jocks,hippy`s dressed like hippies etc,etc… one seemed to give a shit. just show up to class(now that part was a prob for some of us)

  • laser_red

    So then what? The law requires kids to go to school. The kids show up and aren’t let in; what’s the next step? Assault them and forcibly cut their hair?

  • elle2js

    My brother’s hair was long and he was a hippie but he was smart and our dad didn’t want him kicked out of school so daddy bought him a wig, my brother wore it and graduated. My dad was cool for a country boy who walked 2 days and slept a night in the woods to get to the Army recruiters to join the war after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

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