Wednesday, March 27All That Matters

The seventh generation of video games was the last generation to have this amount of new IPs

The seventh generation of video games was the last generation to have this amount of new IPs

The seventh generation of video games was the last generation to have this amount of new IPs from gaming

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  • Negative_Interrupted

    Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect really did not help my savior complex, but helped me figure out I’m trans and also like men so that’s pretty dope

  • IndicationPretend407

    Yeah when triple A companys weren’t milking thier games for max profits and where making new games and taking risks good times

  • Flabbergash

    I really hate the term “golden age”, but it pretty much was.

    You had really, really *good* games, with not alot of microtransations or “addons”, there were a few obviously but not as canerous as it is now.

    Now, when I see a new game announced, I don’t get excited, I just think “how are they going to fuck this up”

    I suppose It’s my jaded world view as I get older

  • myyummyass

    This really isnt true.

    People remember it this way because a lot of these games are almost classics at this point. When these games were coming out people were saying the same thing about games in the PS2 and PS1 era.

    The types of games that people play has changed, but there are still tons of new IP, and a lot of indie stuff that might not have a GTA or last of us level budget but still become instant classics.

    When our generation were teenagers in the 2005-2010 range there were only a few multiplayer games that tons of people love. And most people were playing the new story driven game or whatever. Nowadays most of the time spent in games is in free to play stuff or pure multiplayer experiences, so those people dont pay attention to all of the new IP coming out and so it doesnt get the attention that it would have got 10-15 years ago.

  • Jor94

    It annoys me that there are so many remakes and remasters. They barely change anything then charge full price for the same game I’ve played already.

  • warukeru

    If you count indies games im pretty sure this is not true at all.

    We live in really amazing era for games, you just need to pay atention to something more that AAA

  • Quirky_Dig_7204

    1. Because a lot of people look back with nostalgic rose tinted glasses.

    2. Though recently gaming has been meh.

  • junglemoosejoe

    Man, while the original motorstorm had it’s issues (mainly the lack of local multiplayer), its sequel, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift slapped so hard. Me and the boys had some great nights screaming “OH COME ON!” at the TV after wrapping our car around a tree or other obstacle while in the lead.

  • Baelgrin

    You lot need to do more than look at exclusive AAA games. There are hundreds of new IPs literally every year, youre either blind or stupid.

  • JamieDodger9016

    Don’t mean to be that guy, but Grid technically wasn’t a new IP, as it was part of the TOCA Race Driver series, which is why the first game is called Race Driver: Grid

  • JorgeMyte-Fan-48

    Now that I can see them all together, I’ve realized that was one of the best generations in the game industry

  • Balrog229

    Such an amazing generation. 2007 was possibly the best year in gaming history. Now it’s all sequels and microtransactions

  • Angrypuckmen

    Maybe in the tripple a space, but the indy scene has been bursting at the seems with fresh stuff for quite a few years now.

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