Sunday, April 21All That Matters

The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) [Jack Nicholson]

The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) [Jack Nicholson]

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  • GrumpiestOldDude

    When I was a little kid the idea of being eaten was one of the worst things I could imagine until I watched this film and saw the blooming scene at the end.

  • _coach_

    Iā€™ve only ever watched the movie version of the musical (which I love). Maybe Iā€™ll throw this on today while I work lol

  • Pirateless

    Amazing how little screentime Jack Nicholson has and still his image is so often used in this movie’s “promotion”

  • Lacocious

    If you have the option, I highly suggest watching this on Shudder, the horror streaming service. Joe Bob has this movie on his show and during breaks talks to Roger Corman about his movie making process. It’s a decent enough silly little movie, but the interview really goes to show what it was like trying to be a filmmaker back in the day. Makes you appreciate just how hard it was to put anything together without major studio funding.

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