Sunday, April 14All That Matters

The K-Pop business is basically slavery

The K-Pop business is basically slavery

View Reddit by The_AlgerianView Source


  • gondus

    This video is actually really well made.
    While I don’t enjoy k-pop music myself, learning about the industry behind it was fascinating.

  • sjhwa

    I’m glad you brought up the racism that happens in Asia. Americans think no other country is racist except for America. Every country has racism, it’s just the media likes to cover what happens in American and not in other countries.

  • DivinePotatoe

    The video is well made but good lord, 3:45 of intro before the video even starts… I hate that youtube is now so volatile that creators needs to have ad reads and interaction for this long at the start of their videos to survive.

  • vectorization_error

    They are also sexually abused too so while they can’t dip into society sexually to remain “pure” the agents sure like to dip into them and use them as currency.

    K-pop is uncreative, manufactured, and morally compromised shit.

  • LAxCalibur

    Even their film and model industry is incredibly restrictive and excessive. Im sure they (Agencies) do a great job in suppressing all their issues and problems.

  • leichttraktorzug

    K-pop is garbage of the lowest order so no surprise its background is rotten to the core.
    Also, you can’t really call it slavery as these plastic-faced soulless human products happily volunteer and do damn near anything to join in and be famous with no thought of the strings attached. The join these “agencies” before they hit puberty ffs.
    So yeah, it’s their and their parents’ fault. No sympathy.

  • cmrdgkr

    It’s not slavery when people agree to it.

    People will do whatever it takes to make it. But that is their choice. They can walk away at any moment and do something else with their life.

    reality is by the time they graduate high school, there is very little different in the ability of most of them. Company is going to choose whoever is willing to go the extra mile.

  • no-time-9-bullshit

    Holy shit, this video is drop-dead stupid. What kind of moron do you have to be to decry racism, and in the same sentence *spew more racism* by generalizing an entire race of people? Can you imagine if an Asian person said on Douyin:

    > “Here’s what you need to understand about **white people**: They are **RACIST**. Like, actually racist!”

    There would be hundreds to thousands of comments on reddit outraged at such an injustice. Why is this any more acceptable?

    It’s actually amazing how legitimately *dumb* you have to be to use a *South Park bit* about Asian relations — scripted by a group of *white* comics that *stereotype and mock Asian appearances and voices* throughout it — as your leading evidence that Asian people are the most racist group in the world.

    And then to go further and say that all Koreans and Japanese people have some sort of preordained, ingrained, and inherent desire to outdo each other… And that this innate hyper-competitiveness is the origin of K-Pop music? Lmao what!? All I see is comments saying “this video is well-made” — do you people actually listen to this shit? Like, do you just accept whatever random nonsense some YouTuber claims in a video if its graphics look nice? Jesus fucking Christ. Where are his sources for any of these claims? What metrics is he using to make them?

  • 5050Clown

    In the 2000s a Korean friend of mine tried to get me into K-Pop. I told him it was creepy and ultra-derivative and he was very offended (kind of a nationalist). Since then every time I have seen K-Pop videos I always feel underwhelmed and a little creeped out. It’s so plastic and soulless. This video explains a lot.

    This video does not describe artists like Psy or the multitude of other Korean musicians out there.

  • CloudCityFish

    I’m not saying this guy is wrong, but is anyone else bothered he just makes like 100 claims a second without any examples or evidence?

    To me that’s the most interesting part of a documentary/video essay. And even if he’s 100% right, the built in bullshit meter won’t let me enjoy this video.

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