Wednesday, April 24All That Matters

Spider-Man: EVERYONE’S HOME! – Short AI generated film by Corridor Digital

Spider-Man: EVERYONE’S HOME! – Short AI generated film by Corridor Digital

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  • WallabyUpstairs1496

    >!I thought this was a real trailer for the sequel. It was litterally the most excited I ever got for a movie until I saw the end!<

  • that-temp-account

    Buncha low talent phonies and hacks. The active rape of art and the millions if not billions of intellectual artworks that exist online made by actual flesh and blood artists. Whatever an AI generates is ultimately fed off by plagarized Datasets, pattern recognition from these Existing and Past artist’s hard works. The farmed Dataset the AI uses is a vast sum of intellectual properties being pillaged. The result is so obfuscated that you will never be able to itemize what was plagiarized directly, but plagiarized the **whole** of it is. No Question about that. Nothing is a deliberate stroke. None of it. Souless in its most definitive sense.

    I hate all of this so much, esp [the video someone else posted here below]( about making your own AI artwork. People have spent their lifetimes learning and mastering fundamentals and developing their styles, only for some bullshit AI to rape and assimilate all that ever existed into something accessible to *’Anyone’* who never lifted a finger in the field of art. F all of this noise.

    Its one thing for a human being to reiterate on works of others, but this unprecedented magnitude of AI driven opening of the floodgates of plagarization wide open can sod off. Plaguarizing and uncouth shortcuts are already such a massive issue in the online art world, tracing or copying others works outright, lying about 3D foundation instead of learnt skill, but this, this… is beyond anything before, the definitive death of belief in ones ability and struggles to become great. I feel robbed. If I sound angry, I am, but know that words cannot carry the utter contempt I have for anyone who participates or promotes this garbage.

    ##EDIT: Say something back instead of downvoting, so I know whom of you are AI plagiarizing enabling talentless hacks. The Dataset is stolen art, Hoovered up by Data Scraping on Portfolio Websites. None of this ‘AI Art *Generation*’ should be acceptable. Theives. Worse yet, deluded Theives.

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