Tuesday, April 2All That Matters

Re-watching “Chernobyl” and this scene really stuck out. A Soviet Minister being forced to tell the truth in an attempt to convince miners to risk their lives for the containment effort.

Re-watching “Chernobyl” and this scene really stuck out. A Soviet Minister being forced to tell the truth in an attempt to convince miners to risk their lives for the containment effort.

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  • grump66

    I need to rewatch that. There were quite a few times during that where I was just agog at the magnitude of what they did. The disaster could have been sooooooooooooo much worse. The sacrifices that were made. It still boggles my mind to think too much about it.

  • ShrimpCocknail

    Fun fact: the irl miners lived long, decent lives, despite being expected to die. They were sent to work in water, and radiation struggles in water.

  • Nuzzgargle

    This was some of the best television I have ever seen… although I did find some of the accents rather intriguing

  • NoGoodDM

    I actually just finished watching the miniseries for the first time last night. It was good. I enjoyed it (if such a thing could really be “enjoyed.”) Man. Wow. Ooof.

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