Thursday, April 25All That Matters


Does anyone have fondness or memory of the multiplayer game Starhawk from the PS3 era?

Does anyone have fondness or memory of the multiplayer game Starhawk from the PS3 era?

For those who never heard or played it, Starhawk was a third-person action/RTS blended game from the PS3 era. You played as a military commander with special abilities who had the power to summon/call down structures from space to build a base with your team. The enemy team of course had the same, and both sides tried to lay siege to opposite’s base. Which ever team got to the core and destroyed it won. There was a variety of building structures, vehicles, mechs, and more to command to help you. It was a very statistfyinv gameplay loop, and very unique for its time! To this day I can’t think of any other game quite like it. The don’t believe the game ever had a huge population, but the population it did have was dedicated. With the release of Minecraft Legends and seeing that it is s...