Sunday, April 7All That Matters

(OC) A picture I took on vacation turned part black and white for some reason.

(OC) A picture I took on vacation turned part black and white for some reason.

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  • Derrik359

    that’s not black and white, that’s cepia, and it looks like you edited off your thumb covering the lens and superimposed a different picture of the same location

    edit: i’ve been studying the image and either the computer fucked up or you made edits and failed to say so

  • Murrian

    Mobile phones use “computational photography” by taking multiple pictures and splicing / layering them to make a better looking image than the tiny sensor is capable of by itself, it looks like you had your finger over part of the lens and moved it away whilst it was taking its images and then it computationally decided this was the best outcome..

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