Wednesday, April 10All That Matters

Nuristani archers posing in modern day Nuristani, Afghanistan [1916]

Nuristani archers posing in modern day Nuristani, Afghanistan [1916]

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  • Leather_Focus_6535

    These Nuristani archers are posing with their traditonal bows and arrows. Prior to 1896, the Nuristanis were “pagans” that worshiped a regionalized and animist form of Hinduism. They were legendary for their headhunting practices and their resistance against Timur the Lame and Pashtun incursions. Uzbek nomads also frequently raided the Nuristanis for slaves.

    In 1896, Abdur Rahman Khan, the then King of Afghanistan, finally conquered them. He then converted the entire population into Islam at the tip of a sword, and they were forcibly assimilated into wider Afghanistan. Most of the traces of Nuristani’s rich and unique cultural history were destroyed, though some of the old customs (like winemaking) still linger on to this today.

    On an unrelated note, Abdur Rahman Khan was also responsible for reducing the Hazaras (Persian speaking Shiites that are the descendants of invading Mongols) from making up half of Afghanistan’s population to a ~10 to 20% (can’t remember the exact statistics) minority.

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