Sunday, April 14All That Matters

Little details and features such as Full Body Camera Immersion can go a LONG way [Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)] Why this isn’t the standard for all First Person games is beyond me.

Little details and features such as Full Body Camera Immersion can go a LONG way [Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)] Why this isn’t the standard for all First Person games is beyond me.

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  • MadYuuki

    Most of the time, management doesn’t give the developers enough time to even make a properly functioning game.

    Details cost time, and time is money.

  • Sabetha1183

    So many first person games I look down to see if I can see my body. So many games I can’t.

    I get why though. It’s not something the player is really gonna look at.

  • Mezzmerise

    This always bothered me about Farcry 3. Once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop think about the PC just being a pair of legs with arms attached, running around the jungle murdering people from bushes. Also, it didn’t help that whenever you heal your self he’s just pulling bullets/shrapnel from his arms or putting out a fire on his legs.

  • Catty_C

    The way ArmA does it makes the game feel real clunky though.

    Pretty sure your camera is directly on your character model and not just a view model because third person to ADS zooms straight into your rifle.

  • RoboticXCavalier

    I have Dark Messiah…I got stuck pretty early on and now i’m between houses and 360’s need repairs, but I really want to get back and finish that game

  • MrXbox1097

    Nothing quite hits the same as Thief (2014) and being able to interact with everything with your hands. Mmmmm some nice door opening and closing action

  • Wagglygerm

    I completely forgot about this game, I remember really loving it!

    Thank you for the morning nostalgiagasm <3

  • Stargov1

    I think it just looks a bit awakward. There’s only a few games that I’ve played that’s done it, and in those games, it’s either like your head moves independent of your body or your head can’t move without the rest of your body.

  • Endemoniada

    Depends on the game. In an immersive RPG? Sure, it would be silly not to have that detail. In some fast-paced, non-realistic shooter? Jus wastes performance and no one is going to care or feel more “immersed” by it anyway.

  • HellAwaitsTheFunny

    Whenever I think about Dark Messiah and ponder firing it back up, I realize I’m thinking almost strictly about that satisfying moment when you kick a guy to the bottom of a huge multi-level staircase and he survives… then you watch him run and hear him panting as he runs all the way back up the stairs only to get kicked right back down again.

    Dark Messiah really opened up on that kick button. Dude had a boot. You could launch ragdolls almost anywhere.

  • RusstyDog

    Ngl, I always hated this view. Combine UT with your hand and weapindls being fully I’m your eyeline abd it implies whacky posing.

  • WerkusBY

    In Kingdom Come Deliverance if your character wearing helmet that restricts vision – you actually don’t see that areas.

  • nczmoo

    There was a game where the first game had this feature and the second game didn’t. People were wondering why and the developers said they could have either had <x> (a significant amount more) amount of enemies or axe being able to see your body. They had to because of performance reasons. Probably why it’s not more common.

  • Someone_pissed

    Shame the gameplay in CoD Warzone is so bad rn, with the servers and bugs etc. im sure on the graphics side they are probably one of the top 5 (if not top 3) in the world :/

  • ColShvotz

    One of the first games I recall playing that did this was Escape from Butcher Bay on the OG Xbox. I thought that was wild back in the day and remember some games following suite afterwards (Halo 2 comes to mind).

    Definitely seems like a fad from a bygone era.

  • Lonely-Tumbleweed-56

    What never fails to piss me off is when first person games don’t even have the feets and legs of your character.

    In 2023.

    In fucking 2023 you still a floating balloon lol

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