Wednesday, June 12All That Matters

Language enthusiast visits indigenous amazon tribe and ends up hunting monkeys with them butt naked in the jungle

Language enthusiast visits indigenous amazon tribe and ends up hunting monkeys with them butt naked in the jungle

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  • octothorpe_rekt

    Sometimes, this guy’s content can seem a little staged. Other times, it can seem a little cringe, either because some encounters with perfect strangers can be a bit awkward or because the nature of his content can be a little ‘forced’, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, his ability to learn languages and try them out is really impressive, but it can be a little bit of a mixed bag with the older content.

    But holy shit, you gotta give him props. He really puts himself out there to a degree I never could. I wouldn’t deal well with an old Amazonian man grabbing my dick to tie it in a knot and saying it looks like a small tapir penis.

  • eric_in_cleveland

    amazing video. he gets out of the way of the moment just enough to feel like you are there too. I want to see a video where he takes one of them to New York to see Times Square and a play on broadway. 😀

  • likwitsnake

    I remember when this guy was just ordering Chinese food in NY now he’s cooking moles in Peru and getting naked in the Jungle.

  • Chubuwee

    Big fucking respect to this guy

    I’ve watched plenty of these types of travel content from way back on the discovery channel to now. But this one hit different. I don’t know what it was. If it was the fact he knew the language so the conversation flowed smoothly, or if they showed something that wouldn’t fly on tv nowadays, or the scared but curious host that rolled with the punches, or the more “natural” feel of this vs tv like chatting with the camera crew. He captured something that captivated me like I felt when I was younger watching the travel shows of old

    I welcome this new trajectory of his channel

  • C7rl_Al7_1337

    I don’t really understand the comments about how his penis can look small and tapir like. Tapirs have like [2 foot long prehensile dicks](, they regularly use it to scratch their backs, and those blurs that the Waorani are rocking definitely don’t look big enough that they have *that* much room to be talking that kind of shit. Maybe they’re talking about the color? Or Xiaoma just has a reeaaalllly weirdly shaped dickhead? Fuck, maybe he can just move it like a tail, who knows?

  • AccomplishedRun7978

    They just burned a day and 2000 calories per person to get a monkey that’s going to feed just a few of them. I don’t get it.

  • MoogPanda

    Hell I don’t like to leave the bedroom naked I can’t imagine the constant brush and bramble on my cucumber.

  • BelieveInDestiny

    why is circumcision a thing in so many unrelated cultures? Like, who the f*** just sees that piece of skin and says “yeah, no, it’s gotta go”

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