Monday, April 1All That Matters

It pisses me off seeing these YouTube ads that are like ” don’t game without getting something”. Like isn’t the whole point of gaming to have fun? The standard of gaming has really gone down bruh

It pisses me off seeing these YouTube ads that are like ” don’t game without getting something”. Like isn’t the whole point of gaming to have fun? The standard of gaming has really gone down bruh

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  • WerewolfF15

    You’re overacting a bit. They’re just trying to sell a product. Wouldn’t be good marketing to suggest their product isn’t needed.

  • Zann0s

    Yep 100 percent agree, i remember when i was younger as well that if you wanted something in a game you had to really grind as well, to many now just throw their teddys out on the pram

  • weeoth

    its the new era of capitalism. “Make money by watching yt videos!” “Make money playing games!” “This totally works, everyone can be rich at the same time!” Its trendy

  • Moonguardian866

    Play-to-Earn is a serious cancer on the gaming world.

    Like bro if i want to earn money in a hyper realistic context id just go outside and work. I game because i want to escape that shit.

    The only thing you should earn in games is fun, friends and acheivements.

  • PebblestheHuman

    I mean, whats your definition of “getting [something] back”? Personally, i get fun, collections, and memories back from games i play, and if im not i dont play

  • nsap200

    Aren’t you the same guys who complain that you can’t get 100% completion on a character without playing the game for a long time?

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