Sunday, March 31All That Matters

I’m genuinely enjoying this game and having a ton of fun. It had the potential of being a great game, honestly. But MAN it hurts my eyes and feels horrible to play most of the time. Great direction, terrible quality.

I’m genuinely enjoying this game and having a ton of fun. It had the potential of being a great game, honestly. But MAN it hurts my eyes and feels horrible to play most of the time. Great direction, terrible quality.

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  • Ze-Doctor

    Now I have never played any pokemon game and don’t want to (just isn’t my cup o’ tea) but didn’t people say the phrase “great direction” for the last three game (this one included) which have been released?

  • OpposedHealer

    I’ve noticed the framerates lag around Mesagoza and I find moving away from there and resetting my switch helps with performance a bit. It hasn’t made me want to put the thing down yet, but i can bet it would be much more unplayable in portable mode. Docked is fun enough for me, though. A patch by January for the memory leaks will be much appreciated though.

  • mighty1993

    Such a shame that this game even runs better on an emulator. A program that emulates a device while needing a lot more performance than on native hardware.. Really shows how old and outdated the hardware if the Nintendo Switch and how badly optimized the game is.

  • ZeroInspo

    I don’t mind the technical issues (Im used to buggy games, this is smooth compared to stuff I’ve played). But the implementation of the open world damn near ruins the entire thing for me. There’s no point to an open world in a stat heavy game if there’s no level scaling because if I step out of my intended zone I get my ass kicked so in reality the open world is just an illusion.

    Which wouldn’t be a problem honestly, other games do this and Im fine with it. The problem is the godamn game acts as if it isn’t an illusion and gives you no clue as to what the intended path is. Every zone having a level range marked on the map would have been sufficient, but no there’s not even that. At least the Pokémon Center tells you where to go next but it doesn’t feel right that they would know anything about Team Star to give an example, yet they know which one you should fight next.

  • Epic_DVB

    From what I’ve heard, it is a different experience for everyone. Some people have been getting less major glitches and have been enjoying the game while others got the short end of the stick and are experiencing a lot of problems. They really do need to patch it and I haven’t played it yet so I’m hoping they patch it by at least January but I’m willing to take the risk and play a buggy game because again it’s different for everyone.

  • Motocrosschamp

    Tbh I only really noticed it when I was in the classroom. The way the students moved I knew it was struggling. Other than that I’ve noticed it’ll get kinda slow once in a while. But I’m not excusing the poor performance people have tho. I’m glad I can at least play it

  • A_Aron_AKA_Aaron

    How are people having so many problems? Been playing smooth and fun for me lol, yeah graphics suck but that’s not stopping the fun.

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