Monday, April 15All That Matters

I really hope they keep the original Dead Space’s incredible environmental storytelling for the remake:

I really hope they keep the original Dead Space’s incredible environmental storytelling for the remake:

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  • DamnImAwesome

    My biggest fear is they only made this game as a FU to the Callisto Protocol devs. I’m worried it’s gonna be barebones just to milk some cash. I hope I’m wrong because Dead Space was amazing

  • zachtheperson

    Idk, I was super excited for this remake, but it looks like they’re removing a lot of subtlety and making it more extravagant in the vein of Dead Space 2.

    More spectical with lighting effects where they take away camera control, Isaac speaking more in ways that doesn’t actually contribute to the story, making everything shiny to show off improved graphics, and a bunch of jetpack missions.

    Not saying that’s bad for a game, but almost all of those detract from the tone of the original Dead Space.

  • Plain_Tart

    Should I play dead space? I’ve never played a horror game and idk if I’ll like it. It’s on gamepass but I get scared super easily (Ik ik I’m a bitch whatever), is it THAT scary or is it just intense?

  • Nekrozys

    I hope they fix the problem with this part of the game where the mirror tells you to dismember them, then an audiolog tells you to dismember them, then the crew tells you multiple time to dismember them.

    Once or twice is enough. More than that and you’re making me feel like a child who can’t follow simple instructions.

  • AlcatorSK

    Ah, Dead Space… So many memories…


    >Writing on the wall: Cut off their limbs.
    >10 seconds later, audio log: Cut off their limbs!
    >15 seconds later, video call from a partner: “Isaac, we figured it out! You have to cut off their limbs!”
    >20 seconds later, **game PAUSES** and a tutorial message appears: CUT OFF THEIR LIMBS!



  • Deijya

    I’m more worried about the new power cycling mechanic. Imagine turning off the oxygen in the next area and the ai generator doesn’t spawn an o2 tank.

  • UnityAeDeSt

    Heard this was recommended, as it could ruin the entire game system somehow. For me, I HAD to put on VSync. Without it my game had an awful thing that had my mouse unable to move the camera properly, requiring me to drag the mouse a bunch of times to even aim/look around properly. Turning it on fixed the mouse and then my game ran smoothly.

    I had survived on my first playthrough on the hardest difficulty with this camera problem. I was genuinelly afraid that I’d die any moment. And there was not enough ammo to spare, which put me in situations where I needed to make a run for it. It felt like a real situation for me to deal with of survival.

    I loved it AND hated every second of it. 🙂

  • cupris_anax

    The in game v-sync and framerate cap settings are not always accurate. Turn them both off and enable v-sync through your graphics card settings instead.

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