Saturday, April 20All That Matters

I Need Help! I don’t know why but when I turned on my Xbox all my stuff is in a green tint. I’ve tried playing with the settings on both the console and TV but nothing works! does anyone have an idea to help fix this?

I Need Help! I don’t know why but when I turned on my Xbox all my stuff is in a green tint. I’ve tried playing with the settings on both the console and TV but nothing works! does anyone have an idea to help fix this?

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  • romuloctba

    This might sound silly, but it’s worth it. Try and unplug and replug the hdmi cable that goes to the TV. Both ends. If doesn’t work, maybe try another cable.

    Something similar happened to me and it was the hdmi cable that was a tiny little loose.

  • AlexD51192

    Change your HDMI cord as a test. I’ve had issues with cheaper cords in the past on other devices, never had an Xbox but worth a try.

  • Resident-Assassin

    This is for everyone who has commented: I have switched hdmi’s twice and it’s still a no go, the TV itself is normal as I have tried it with actual TV channels and such. Also to the newest commenter I’d like to say that my theme and background are supposed to be blue not green -_-

  • Resident-Assassin

    To All Commenters! Thank you for giving me several tips and ideas on what may be the problem, I have tried all of the stuff you’ve given me and while there was no change for the most part. I have gotten the screen fixed. How I don’t know as I was trying everything I’ve been given several times but it works now and I thank you!

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