Sunday, March 31All That Matters

I miss when TellTale Games made TWD series. I wish they made more…w/Clem as the main protoganist. These games bring me back to a great on-going series last gen.

I miss when TellTale Games made TWD series. I wish they made more…w/Clem as the main protoganist. These games bring me back to a great on-going series last gen.

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  • ReallyNeedHelpASAP68

    The problem with the series was that they could never do better than the first season.

    The first season could never be topped, ever, in terms of emotional reaction.

    I think the majority of people knew how the series would end when it did, and they were right.

    After the first season, each season grew weaker, your choices mattered less, the characters felt bleh, and so on.

  • Bananaslamma24

    It’s for the best that they don’t, they made a comic series about her where she >!just up and abandons Alvin and leaves the school on her own.!< which kinda destroys her Season 3&4 characterization.

  • CustosEcheveria

    Yeah I loved the overall experience even though none of them were as strong as the first one. I craaaaave more games like this where the impact of your choices really feel like they matter.

  • redkaezar

    While I would love more TWD games from telltales, Clem’s story ended. I don’t want it to drag on and on until eventually, I stop caring. I felt that the Matrix ended with the trilogy, and I was fine with the ending. It felt like it had a sense of finality to it… then they made the 4th movie.

    I hear that there is a Mass Effect game in development, and supposedly we’re to play as Shepard, again. Why? Her story was done. She already saved the goddamned galaxy. She fucking died for it. Why dig up a figurative corpse to string along and drag around?

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