Sunday, March 31All That Matters

I get older and somehow all I find myself wanting to do is play the games I played as a kid. Went out and bought a PS2 and all these games.

I get older and somehow all I find myself wanting to do is play the games I played as a kid. Went out and bought a PS2 and all these games.

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  • lastofusgr8tstever

    Nostalgia is a hell of a drug lol. But be careful, sometimes you end up ruining a game. What you remember being a quality game isn’t always the case

  • AngryTurtleGaming

    That Civil War game wasn’t half bad do not remember Activision having anything to do with it. I think European Assault is my favorite from this stack

  • MutedHornet87

    Frontlines was incredible. I have great memories of beating it at my trailer.

    I think I beat all those games, except Civil War.

  • Aggressive_Ideal6737

    Wow. I never find anybody that has heard of these Medal of Honor games, but I had all three of those and they were my favorite as a kid. Glad to see somebody else enjoying them

  • PalpitationNo4375

    MoH Frontline will always hold a very very special place in my heart.

    There’s been a lot of WW2 shooters over the years, Frontline to me sits on top of that list

  • H-R-R-

    Those three medal of honour games were my introduction to the fps genre. I can remember those and CoD big red one as well. Should probably dust off my PS2 and boot it up again.

  • Yokuz116

    Every once in a while I’ll put some time into old-school style games, like La Mulana or an old Castlevania title. It’s not just nostalgia, but games back then were much simpler. As I get older I grow away from the “action-packed” multi-player games of current, and just want to slow down.

  • Brilithe

    Dude I get the whole rose colored glasses thing, but going from 4K or even 1080p down to 480p or whatever the ps2 ran at is a real trip. And yes I know gameplay>graphics but modern games just have that extra QoL.

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