Thursday, April 18All That Matters

hilarious Siskel and Ebert review of Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

hilarious Siskel and Ebert review of Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)

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  • Kimber80

    Great clip! I remember seeing this movie in 1984 during its original run and liking it. Thought it was better than the first three.

  • MeasurementNo0

    These guys were artists. This was a roast.

    “If you liked this picture what you liked is …the idea that someone will get a stick through their body.”

    They fight over about how much to shit on this movie. One saying that it is ending the world and the other calling it women getting stabbed porn.

  • Trowj

    They disliked most slashers. They had a whole show dedicated to decrying late 70s and early 80s movies like I Spit On Your Grave or Slumber Party Massacre because they thought it was just violence against women played for cheap thrills. IIRC they both liked Halloween and considered that Elbert compared favorable to Psycho. So it wasn’t just hand wringing reactionary critiques, they just hated what they viewed as cheap/sleazy

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