Sunday, April 21All That Matters

For people who have played this game. What are your overall thoughts and feelings of it? Imo it’s the perfect sports game. This may be my favorite sports video game of all time.

For people who have played this game. What are your overall thoughts and feelings of it? Imo it’s the perfect sports game. This may be my favorite sports video game of all time.

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  • taurenluv322

    My gf looooovessss this game. This is the only video game she will play with me. I love the music and the courses. Of course, I love the characters. This is one of the best sports games for me as it is something my gf and I can play together for hours. 🙂

  • jolt527

    I really dislike sports games, but this is the one sports game I could play over and over again and never get sick of it! My best friend and I would take turns playing this game all the time, and I have the fondest of memories playing it. 🙂

    I really liked the system of auto vs. manual hits, along with backspin/frontspin and super versions of that.

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