Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

Doctor Who 2023 – Titles Revealed! | 60th Anniversary Specials Trailer

Doctor Who 2023 – Titles Revealed! | 60th Anniversary Specials Trailer

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  • shadowdra126

    I’m so glad doctor who looks like it is getting back into its golden age.

    No offense to the actress who played the previous doctor. It isn’t her fault she was saddled with a show runner that ruined the show. She did the best she could with what she was given

  • mrhelmand

    If you’d told me 2 years ago the 60th anniversary would have Tennant back in the lead role and feature Beep the Meep, I’d have called the men in white coats, but it’s here and looks really damn good.

    November is too far away.

  • LostBoy2018

    Since I haven’t seen it in the comments yet:

    Episode 1: The Star Beast

    Episode 2: Wild Blue Yonder

    Episode 3: The Giggle

  • Standard_Cycle_2224

    It is 2005. I am ten years old. I am watching Doctor Who. David Tennant is the Doctor.

    It is 2013. I am eighteen years old. I am watching Doctor Who. David Tennant is the Doctor.

    It is 2023. I am twenty-eight years old. I am watching Doctor Who. David Tennant is the Doctor.

  • SirFlibble

    My wildly speculative hot take against all the evidence – this is all from the first episode and the other two episodes will have different Doctors.

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