Thursday, April 11All That Matters

Child labour 1904

Child labour 1904

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  • radiantwave

    Child laborers in Port Royal, South Carolina. Josie and Bertha were six years old and Sophia was ten when this photo was taken. These children labored as oyster shuckers for the Maggioni Canning Company, Port Royal, South Carolina. From an original 1921 photo by National Photo Company. All Rights Reserved © 2012 padre art

  • mesialCall

    Actually what you find is child labour tends to go out of favour not because of laws. Feel free to check many of the shitholes in Africa or Asia that have banned it but still have it happening. The practice ends when people hit an economic threshold somewhere between 600 and 2000 real dollar equivalents in income at which point they can afford to with only the labour of two adults provide the children with other more economically interesting opportunities. Below that level or if they have particularly large families this simply isn’t an option as they need the additional productivity to ensure everyone has enough food.

    If you don’t have the money to pay for food you’ren’t going to care that some law says you kid shouldn’t work and thus the kid or you starved. You’re going to send you kid onto the street to polish shoes, bed, steal or collect metals on trash heaps to make sure your family can survive. This trend was also the same in Europe but Europe went through the transition from abject poverty to wealth when the industrial revolution began and this the trend of moving away from child started around the 1800s. Before that when people were rural farmer families didn’t have the luxury to have their kids enjoy idle play time or learn, they were needed to help on the farm or at home.

  • calliopeturtle

    Oof their eyes look like they’re 45 year olds who’ve seen some sht. Poor babies wish I could reach through the screen and help them.

  • FastWalkingShortGuy

    People born in the 1960s or so just knew their grandma always had that expression for a reason and had a good backhand, too.

  • Evening_Future_4515

    The internet says the girls were possibly Polish or German immigrant children and Sophie never went to school. One reporter was able to find a descendant of one of the girls but he wasn’t interested in doing an article. That damn company is still in business. There are still children working in slaughterhouses FYI and they lose their fingers and limbs! Don’t allow any politician to vote for this inhumanity.

  • drumscrubby

    Iowa just passed labor expansion for minors. 14 and 15 year-olds “can” work night shifts and 17,18’s can serve alcohol. Thanks restaurant lobbyists

  • Some-Swim9301

    Is this gonna be Gov Sara Huckabee Sanders new pro child labor ad? They’re trying to go backwards in every way it ridiculous

  • cleenfarms

    Those cartoon girls…with the scientist dad. OMG I’m too high for this. But it’s them I swear! Their names start with B

  • redmambas22

    I was an exhibition chef and shucked my share of oysters. It ain’t easy, especially when the knife slips and goes through your hand.

  • roninovereasy

    My thought is there Might be a special place in hell for anybody responsible For putting that look on a child’s face

  • teardrinker

    Sarah huckabee would say this is the way it’s supposed to be. SMH. Look at their little faces. They should have dolls and toys. Not be fucking working like adults. 💔

  • ShortBus4

    What is really sad is I think that this was the normal way children were treated through out history. Only within the last 100 years or so have we as a civilization put a stop to this. And only in some parts of the world.

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