Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

An open air school in 1957, Netherlands ⁣ In the beginning of the 20th century a movement towards open air schools took place in Europe. Classes were taught in forests so that students would benefit physically and mentally from clean air and sunlight.

An open air school in 1957, Netherlands ⁣ In the beginning of the 20th century a movement towards open air schools took place in Europe. Classes were taught in forests so that students would benefit physically and mentally from clean air and sunlight.

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  • dragon1n68

    I know the climate was cooler back then, but I would have been miserable. I sweat at the drop of a hat, I can’t imagine trying to pay attention when my face is melting and I have swamp ass. Not to mention all the jungle bugs that are attracted to hot, wet things and carbon dioxide.

  • radleft

    In 1969 I began attending a high school in Flint MI that was only 5yo. The classrooms were built without exterior views, as such were ‘distracting.’

    They were probably numbing us up to spent our adult years inside General Motors’ factories.

  • SummitCO83

    I thought that I had read somewhere that during the Spanish flu they attempted to do this as well. I could be mixing something up or remembering wrong. I see benefits to this. I would have loved this growing up.

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