Saturday, April 20All That Matters

An aerial photo of Tokyo, the most populous city on Earth

An aerial photo of Tokyo, the most populous city on Earth

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  • wiggle-biscuits

    Probably because I’m from a small town but based on this image, I imagine Tokyo is an absolute nightmare to travel around in. Like, assuming Mt Fuji is north, getting from the south side to the north side must be a slog. Subways and whatnot I’m sure but even that I picture them being crammed in there like sardines.

    City life on that scale just isn’t for me, I suppose. Although it must be nice to have everything you need within a 10-15 minute walk from your house.

  • OldKermudgeon

    To get an idea of how many people live in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area, it has a population (40.7M) just greater than the entire population of Canada (38.25M). It is considered the largest megacity on the planet in terms of population (not population density; there are higher density cities, just on smaller footprints).

    edit: typo

  • robinbl2

    Population is so dense but it’s very safe country. People’s morality starts from their childhood. They learns in the school classroom. Great school system.

  • spider0804

    See how they did not build on top of the volcano?

    That is the correct thing to do.

    Now go look at Naples Italy, not only did they build the entire city on top of the Campi Flegri supervolcano, they rebuilt all the way up the slopes of Mt. Vesuvius, partially ontop of the buried ruins of Pompii.

    That is the incorrect thing to do, it will be an incredible disaster if either volcano pops.

  • francisdavey

    I am not particularly a city boy and Tokyo can be overwhelming at times, but it really has some lovely areas in it. It is much nicer to walk around in than many cities.

    What’s more, people are talking about the “Greater Tokyo Area” in this thread. That includes places like Chiba – parts of which are really rural. Not just extensive peanut fields, but woods and open spaces.

    I had a week’s holiday earlier this year in Saitama – a short train ride from Ueno – and the area was lovely. Sure, very urban, but some nice parks of varying sizes and the river within easy walk.

    There’s almost always a small public park within easy reach where there’s usually a public toilet and somewhere you can sit. Most of Japan is like that except for out in the wilds where parks don’t seem so necessary for obvious reasons.

    People being critical of it are being rightly downvoted. Dense population is much better for the planet than taking those 40 million people and spreading them out widely in daft, pedestrian hostile, low-density American style towns which seem to consist mostly of road.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t live in any other country, though I rather enjoy living in the country.

  • Leonydas13

    My college had a similar photo on one of the hallway walls. I used to always stare at it, mesmerised by the sheer size and vastness of endless buildings.

  • SkylineFever34

    I realized when people shared photos of Tokyo, they usually had a picture of Shibuya Crossing.

    Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, teachers would try to motivate us by saying “Japan is 10 years in the future. Work hard and catch up.”

    They also said everything is super efficient, but I wanted a Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo (Z32 Fairlady TT) and knew they sure didn’t save fuel.

  • GenericUsername73

    This is even more remarkable when you consider the entire city was a pile of ash, rubble, and corpses only 80 years ago.

    All this designed and built in a single human lifetime.

  • Spartan2470

    [Here]( appears to be the source of this image (posted March 19, 2021) and the photographer is Yuto Yamada. One of the times they posted this on FB (October 21, 2021), they included [this]( by it. If anyone can read Japanese ~~Chinese~~, can you please let us know if it provides any context? But a lot of Yuto Yamada’s work is [digitally enhanced]( pretty heavily. So I’m not sure how “realistic” this image is.

    **Edit:** Thanks for the correction /u/funimarvel. Fixed.

  • silverlotus152

    We flew over Tokyo on our way home from Hong Kong. Hong Kong had felt huge and crowded, but when we saw Tokyo and how it just kept going and going, it put things into perspective.

    We visited Japan last fall and went up to the top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, and the city just went out from all sides as far as you could see. It was beautiful and strange and humbling all at the same time.

    For some context, I live near Toronto, Canada’s densest city. It used to feel crowded and sprawling, but not any more.

  • ATribeOfAfricans

    Tokyo is such an amazing city, it’s really a shame it takes an expensive 12hr flight to get there and that I have to work my life away

  • shrek7676

    I was there once. Drove 4 hours to get across the city. Not even sure it was entirely the other side. City scape as far as I could see. This picture confirms that.

  • keestie

    If anime has taught me anything, it’s that you only get this image a split second before a glowing white ball engulfs a good 70% of the frame.

  • AlphaTangoFoxtrt

    It’s also quite big. or example the City proper is 2,194.07 km^^2

    Meanwhile NYC is only 1,223.59 km^^2

    Tokyo has a population density of 6,363/km^^2 while NYC is 11,313.81/km^^2

    Walking in each city you would think NYC is more populated as it is nearly twice as dense at Tokyo.

  • archy2000

    When I see the videos of people stuffing themselves into trains over there, I think that would make a good hot dog for godzilla

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