Saturday, April 13All That Matters

A Message To David Beckham

A Message To David Beckham

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  • Wilof1

    People forget their values when large sums of money are presented in their path. I’m sure Beckham will say he’s doing it to try to represent or change the views in Qatar but let’s be honest he will get there and say fuck all to be controversial, tick the boxes and take his money.

  • squ1bs

    This video was not made to help LGBT. It was made to promote Joe Lycett. I really hate how he brings camera crews into businesses to berate the staff working there, when they have no control over the policies he’s fighting against. It’s cheap populist bullshit, and he should be shot with 2 shotgun barrels of his own shit if he destroys 10 grand for self publicity.

    He’s a funny man, but this righter of wrongs persona is lame and without humour. Go write some jokes and come back when you are funny again.

  • BLSmith2112

    I too would throw values out the window for $22 million. Hell, I’d take a private plane everywhere if I could afford it even though I profess to care about the earth. Just being realistic, because too many people think that their shit don’t stink.

  • BigHaircutPrime

    I really hope that he’s being sarcastic and won’t shred that 10K, because while it sounds threatening, you’re not making yourself look better if you destroy money you’re dangling above charity.

    Knowing Joe though, I expect him to be like, “Oh yeah, these are stacks of fake money. I’ll write them a check.”

  • Lind001

    He already knows perfectly well Beckham wouldn’t back out of the deal. Not only that, but 10k dollars is peanuts compared to what the deal with Qatar is likely worth.

    Not only that, Beckham could easy turn this around through, say, keeping the deal and donating 10k dollars himself and make him look like the asshole for shredding the money.

    Honestly this video just seems like an attempt to take the spotlight through a controversial topic while broadcasting that you’re on the obviously correct side.

  • Showmethepathplease

    Saw Joe live at wembley – absolutely brilliant live and his show was unique. Loved it

    He’s someone who truly understands the modern way to influence.

  • nerderflerder

    So uh Im going to cancel you because I dont like where you take money from? Not even im gonna cancel you for what you did or said against gays. Just I dont like where you take money from. What about cancelling him because children build soccer balls at Adidas and thats also his fault… What a joke.

  • pickled-egg

    I just can’t work out why David Beckham did this, I appreciate that money is great and everything but it’s not as if the Beckhams are wanting for money, nothing is out of their grasp already and however many kids they’ve produced are going to already be set for life as well without dad’s dirty Qatari money.

    I know you could ask the same of any wealthy person doing some morally dubious thing for cash but it still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. He previously thought it fine to criticise Qatar and as an incredibly wealthy person presumably felt totally comfortable in doing so.

    I’m comfortable enough in saying I’d sell my soul for $10m but then I’m a peon, he is not. It might be that for some people they never move out of the mindset I am in despite amassing a giant net worth already though.

  • hey_now24

    Is he also speaking out against PL teams like City and Newcastle who take money from UAE and Saudi Arabia respectively, while in the meantime ruining soccer in general?

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