Thursday, September 19All That Matters

Woman’s gym in the 40’s

Woman’s gym in the 40’s

Woman’s gym in the 40’s

Woman’s gym in the 40’s from OldSchoolCool

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  • ObjectAtSpeed

    We all think this looks soooo kooky crazy, and yet things like waist trainers and “slim tea” are hugely popular right now

  • questioning_ocarina

    So explain to me exactly why this is cool? This is literal objectivation, at an institutional level. In the video, it’s heavily implied that the #1 reasons why the women are using these machines are to look sexy for men. If the idea of men hooking themselves up to machines to be sculpted for women sounds uncomfortable to you, the same should be true of this. There is a difference between getting fit at the gym and letting other people take total control over what you should and shouldn’t look like.

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