Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

Which studio would make a better Castlevania game?

Which studio would make a better Castlevania game?

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  • SaiyajinPrime

    I think Santa Monica would make a better Castlevania game that I would want to play more as far as creating a entertaining story and enjoyable gameplay.

    But if we were trying to harken back to original Castlevania with a limited life system and difficulty getting through levels then from software would have it.

    I would personally prefer Santa Monica’s version.

  • Sufficient-Taste-196

    Fromsoft would get the Tone and Artsyle DOWN AND PERFECT but Santa Monica would probably do better story Telling I think Fromsoft needs to make a Zelda Game

  • EvaUnit_03

    If it came down to the two, id put money on from software only because so many metriodvanias tend to adapt soulslike qualities and with games like sekiro who were very platforming focused and had gimmicks with the arm equipment, I could see them making a passable castlevania. Though I feel like castlevania does better with a 2d or 2.5d style game, not 3d. A 3d castlevania I feel like would need to be made by a studio like those behind devil may cry and Bayonetta. Big bosses and you going ham on monsters.

  • Sherrdreamz

    Santa Monica in Charge Would just be Lords Of Shadow 3

    From Software would reboot the formula and do like a 3D order of Ecclesia with Glyphs as weapons that can be taken from enemies. Bloodbourne paced combat, but with Elden Ring finesse.

    Very simple answer Fromsoft all the way.

  • renemisaka

    Depends on how you want your game to play and be told. Santa Monica is def more heavy on the storytelling and theatrical way of telling things. Fromsoft is more text heavy/less cutscenes – I def think Fromsoft hit the art direction and mood perfectly but I’m very much in love with how SMS tells its narratives

    For me it’s SMS

  • TalesOfArkYT

    I feel like Castlevania has a proper story, and a protagonist, so probably GoW devs. If I didn’t care about story or any of that, I would’ve just choose FromSoft, but since it has one, it be a waste not to tell it, especially since most Castlevania game are old, and a reboot retelling of old one for newbies like me could get me interested in the franchise. Also the netflix show *chef kiss* amazing.

  • SuperdaveOZY

    I already play ER like Castlevania, so I pick FS. Underdog unknown company making the niche King’s Field Dungeon Crawler series, to making the best RPG ive ever experienced.

  • Cyshox

    I’m not a fan of movie-esque games that hold your hands from start to finish. That said I think From Software would be a much better fit.

  • ShanishLikeDanish

    I mean souls games are metroidvania inspired in many many ways. It’s a clear winner here. By a vast margin. From software would know just how to get that done.

  • Hekinsieden

    Fromsoft because they are the ones who would put an unreasonably obscure puzzle like crouching in the corner of a random spot on the map for 45 seconds to trigger a way to progress… hmm… seems familiar to both games…

  • Pyrofoo

    Fromsoft. Castlevania is better when the story and lore aren’t overtly being told. It’s a solid game even without a full understanding of what’s going on.

  • No-Plankton4841

    Bloodborne already gave me serious Castlevania vibes. Especially running the threaded cane/whip in Cainhurst Castle.

    Also the whip and Freddy Kreuger claws were my favorite weapons in Elden Ring.

    Fromsoft. If they basically look the atmosphere of Bloodborne and the gameplay/speed/verticality of Sekiro and merged them together that would be a sick Castlevania game.

  • HeistGeist

    Of the infintie ideas creative people can think up, why is it always “what if [insert popular game] was made in the style of [insert popular game]? OMFG that would be AMAZING”

    So tired of this.

  • Paladin1034

    Yeah elden ring already feels like this generation’s version of Simon’s Quest. I could absolutely see From killing a Castlevania entry

  • Feeling_Environment9

    I’m sorry but I would give the edge to fromsoft

    Like look I know Both studios are capable of creating something good and are on a similar skill level but I feel like fromsoft can do it a teensy bit better

  • chibinoi

    Probably Fromsoftware, but they *would* need to have a more robust story telling aspect for a Castlevania game, imo, and not do their usual MO.

  • colorete88

    The majority would say From Software easily, but I’m pretty interested in how Santa Monica will handle the Castlevania IP. Especially because Lords of Shadow was basically as God of War as it could get lol. I feel like if FS were to handle Castlevania, it’d be known as another entry in the Souls franchise rather than a unique and refreshing entry in the Castlevania franchise, so yeah, Santa Monica for sure.

  • samarpanbose

    A mix of Sekiro’s fighting style with Blood Bourne’s atmosphere and Elden Ring’s boss battles would make a pretty good Castlevania game

  • Deonhollins58ucla

    I don’t want to be toxic but I played elden ring and I’m currently in svartelheim in ragnarok….how in the FUC* are people saying Elden ring is even in the same league as ragnarok lol. In Elden ring you just run around trying not to die. It plays like a Japanese mmo with enemies spawning in an area if you defeat them, run like 30 meters, then come back to the same area. Combat system with no depth and non cohesive story. Castlevania? Lmaoooooooo. Santa Monica would probably have that be the best game of all time. From software? I’m literally playing both right now and there’s now much, if anything, Elden ring does better. Atmosphere maybe

  • Rich_Energy_F1

    Came in here expecting to see soulsbourne fanboys jerking eachother off in the comments and as expected you guys delivered. Such an obnoxious fanbase.

  • ShopperKung

    i mean both are fine

    Fromsoft is Castlevania with the dark gothic theme very hard tight control and punishing gameplay and good exploration

    Santa Monica is Castlevania with walk and talk more cinematic and Characters driven story combat is passable and some Marvel style joke in it

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