Tuesday, April 16All That Matters

When you tell non-depressed friends you’re depressed

When you tell non-depressed friends you’re depressed

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  • Godtiermasturbator

    I share the disdain for toxically positive people that motivated the making of this awesome vid

    That line, “you know being positive is a choice right?” was so accurate and makes me want to murder

  • toobuscrazy

    People who aren’t depressed have zero concept of what is like to be truly depressed. I’d don’t blame them. I wouldn’t wish this condition on anyone.

  • MaggotMinded

    Most people, when they hear about other people’s problems, just want to help in whatever way they can. The bad advice is just their attempt at helping.

  • Cptnwalrus

    I get the joke here, and there are definitely people out there like this that do exist, but also it’s not entirely bullshit.

    There’s a difference between “Oh you’re not depressed you just need to do *x*” vs. “yeah depression is awful I’m sorry man, but are you trying to take steps to take care of yourself when you can?”

    Like obviously the big paradox of depression is that once you’re in the thick of it it’s hard to care about drinking water, getting exercise, eating right, sleep hygiene, etc., but there is a very vocal portion of the internet that act as if when you have depression you’re completely powerless to changing it and suggesting that there are things (small things, but still significant) you can do to help yourself is akin to saying that depression isn’t real. If you’re consistently eating like shit, sleeping like shit, sitting around inside all day, not socialzing, and actively doing a bunch of bad shit it’s only going to make your depression worse. Ironically, the people who seem to suggest there’s nothing you can do and that no act of self-care will ever help are people who are letting their depression win, and while it’s much easier said than done to fight back against it, when you’ve been depressed for any significant period of time it gets to a point where the only person who can help yourself is you.

    So yes toxic positivity sucks and people who actually act this way to a T suck, but that shouldn’t be a reason to completely disregard everything they say. Even just saying “I’m depressed” instead of looking around at all the physical reasons that contribute to your feeling can be really detrimental in terms of associating depression with your sense of self and thus validating those intrusive thoughts that *feel* so logical about why you’re a piece of shit who deserves no love. That’s how depression works. It sneaks into your brain through logical cynicism and next thing you know you haven’t gotten out of bed in 3 days.

  • lilmammamia

    Or they think it means you’re just sad that day. Not you’re at the bottom of a dark hole and it’s going to take at least two years to claw your way out.

  • RahvinDragand

    So what’s the takeaway from this video? Never give anyone any advice on how they can improve their mood? Just accept the fact that they’re depressed and there’s nothing that can possibly be done about it?

  • Smellmyhand

    I didn’t even have to watch the whole thing. I got to “you’re using headspace? That one’s trash, lemme show you- oh that’s the same one I’m using” and lost it. These aren’t even exaggerated, this is how some people really think.

  • New_Zion

    I know y’all joking but the greatest rhino ever did for my mental health and ADHD was to, eat well and not too often, drink plenty of water, sleep plenty at the same time every day and work out.
    Those things keep me out of the lowest points of depression. Sleep and water were #1.
    Honestly think of it like a happiness bar, if you do the basics you get put at 50% and then any bullshit that happens can’t lower you too much. But imagine you were tired, hungry dehydrated and not Society… your basic happy new level will be low and any bullshit that happens will put you closer to 0
    So now, the first thing I tell people is to drink some water and put a little bit of salt in it and you’ll feel better then work on the rest

  • xevizero

    I just hate the good old classic “You are the one who chooses what to think” – just stop having bad thoughts, you dummy! Rumination is a choice!

  • PsychologyJust7471

    Reddit is so fucking stupid. Do you know that eating healthy and exercising and meditation all are literally scientifically proven to reduce anxiety. This is coming from someone who has severe GAD, I used to have intense panic attacks every morning ass soon as I wake up.

    But nooo that would imply some personal culpability and people don’t want to know they’re responsible for their own problems.

  • PsychologyJust7471

    I used to have *intense*, diagnosed anxiety. Panic attacks every morning, unable to leave my house. Do you know what helped? Exercise and eating healthy. It helped a lot. It can hell many people. Unfortunately people want to just take a pill and believe they have some sort of chemical imbalance in their brain they have no control over. That isn’t the case according to the newest science.

    Get over yourself. Go for a fucking walk. It will help.

  • LtSparkle

    He did miss my mom’s one attempt at help ever ‘why don’t you find a man and get married and have a baby, then maybe you’ll feel better’. So simple!

  • CliplessWingtips

    I respect depression and the scientific studies proving its legitimacy, but my friend from high school who is still depressed and posts about it on his IG stories once every few months – I have a lack of patience for that. Please try not to make depression your identity, we’re 34 years old my friend.

  • ennyOmegaK

    It might sound condescending but sometimes drinking water will kick you out of a funk. Obviously not curing chronic depression but it does help sometimes.

  • mp3ksc

    These aren’t bad ideas. Sometimes people do gotta stop eating garbage, leave the house and move. But yeah he played a pretty obnoxious character.

  • nworb200

    The ironic part is it’s mostly good advice, the problem is that usually it’s only part of the puzzle and other issues need to be resolved too.

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