Saturday, November 9All That Matters

What Video game house/home would you want to live in the most?

What Video game house/home would you want to live in the most?

Mine’s Clementine’s loft from Stray ^

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  • Few_Newt

    Me too. I’ve also been to a festival where they had that Blade Runner/dystopic vibe with comfy areas and I can confirm it was glorious.

  • LemonHustler

    The player home in Megaton in Fallout 3 is pretty cozy. It would suck to live in the Fallout universe but if I had to, send me to Megaton.

  • DaveUnreal

    Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy!
    (Alright its a school, then pick any house in Hogsmeade, because everybody know Sometimes it seems all the roads leads to Hogsmeade)

  • entity2

    So many games try to paint these tiny houses as little shanties, and I can’t help but think they look cozy as hell. Kitchen, bedroom, small living area with a TV? I’m settled.

    Stray’s a good one, but some of the apartments in the derelict districts of CP2077 looked just dandy to me.

  • Kola18_97

    Price Mansion in Saints Row 1; probably the best crib in that game, sucks how it became dilapidated in SR2 as a result of Playa’s absence, though that leads into being able to replace it with the likes of the Ultor Megacondo.

  • Sjnintendofan64

    The house that Tom Nook gives to you in Animal Crossing New Leaf and New Horizons. Yes I know that paying your house loans with Bells is a bit of a chore to do, but once you’re done paying the loans, your house will have more space for furniture and room decor. Plus, you can customize your home interior and exterior to your liking.

  • Calamity_Jay

    Agent 47’s safehouse (which I’d swear is in Lake Tahoe) from the Freelancer mode of HITMAN: World of Assassination, complete with the secret entrances and underground area.

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