Saturday, April 20All That Matters

What Hookup Culture REALLY Does To Women

What Hookup Culture REALLY Does To Women

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1 Comment

  • cam31954

    I believe that the type of people who hook up regularly hook up with the type of people who hook up regularly which are the type of people they are most attracted to. Therefore, when you get into a relationship, it’s likely that other people will get many opportunities to hook up with those people because they look like the people they want to hook up with. This means that often you’re hooking up with people you were physically attracted to instead of meeting people who are a good soul match. I’m not sure if that makes sense or is too much rambling. So basically you can’t be surprised if someone you find attractive say on social media has many other opportunities because other people think they’re attractive. This makes for a lot of troubled or short-lived relationships. Sorry if this is confusing. I’m having trouble expressing my thoughts.

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